Recommended by Doug DeVita

  • Doug DeVita: The Boys Club

    A gripping two character play that had me guessing all the way through.

    A gripping two character play that had me guessing all the way through.

  • Doug DeVita: The Galilee House

    Marshall raises some very intriguing questions about both academia and race-relations, and does so with laser beam precision. No one is completely right, no one is completely wrong, and the play is both deeply satisfying and deeply unsettling at the same time because of this.

    Marshall raises some very intriguing questions about both academia and race-relations, and does so with laser beam precision. No one is completely right, no one is completely wrong, and the play is both deeply satisfying and deeply unsettling at the same time because of this.

  • Doug DeVita: Five Husbands

    "Five Husbands" is a terrific piece of writing; very, very funny, and so truthful it hurts. Marshall captures the humanity of his sometimes less than likable characters, which gives the play its heart.

    "Five Husbands" is a terrific piece of writing; very, very funny, and so truthful it hurts. Marshall captures the humanity of his sometimes less than likable characters, which gives the play its heart.

  • Doug DeVita: Early Sunday Morning

    This is a lovely, truthful play, with hard-hitting yet lyrical writing from O'Brien. A beautiful work.

    This is a lovely, truthful play, with hard-hitting yet lyrical writing from O'Brien. A beautiful work.

  • Doug DeVita: Face It or The Transmogrification of Eliza Kline

    "Face It, or The Transmogrification of Eliza Kline" is a fast-moving, hilariously dark look into the crumbling psyche of an aging actress, written with a surgeon's skill. Funny, touching, and with Weinberg's clear-eyed, truthful gaze, this comedy takes a hard look at the truths of out youth-and-beauty obsessed culture, and has some very satisfying things to say.

    "Face It, or The Transmogrification of Eliza Kline" is a fast-moving, hilariously dark look into the crumbling psyche of an aging actress, written with a surgeon's skill. Funny, touching, and with Weinberg's clear-eyed, truthful gaze, this comedy takes a hard look at the truths of out youth-and-beauty obsessed culture, and has some very satisfying things to say.

  • Doug DeVita: Doppelgänger

    "Doppegänger" is a wild, free-wheeling, no-holds-barred trip down a dark, whimsical rabbit hole of love and dysfunction; one of the clearest, and funniest, depictions of a mother-daughter relationship I've ever seen. Brilliantly crafted characters, a loosey-goosey plot that is nonetheless very tightly woven, and a sharp-eyed point of view about her subject matter shows Daly at the top of her game with this piece.

    "Doppegänger" is a wild, free-wheeling, no-holds-barred trip down a dark, whimsical rabbit hole of love and dysfunction; one of the clearest, and funniest, depictions of a mother-daughter relationship I've ever seen. Brilliantly crafted characters, a loosey-goosey plot that is nonetheless very tightly woven, and a sharp-eyed point of view about her subject matter shows Daly at the top of her game with this piece.

  • Doug DeVita: Maid's Door

    "Maid's Door" perfectly captures the universal feelings of heartache and helplessness, frustration and anxiety, rage and, ultimately, acceptance one deals with while caring for an aging, failing parent. A beautifully written piece that touches, and burns, with clear-eyed humanity.

    "Maid's Door" perfectly captures the universal feelings of heartache and helplessness, frustration and anxiety, rage and, ultimately, acceptance one deals with while caring for an aging, failing parent. A beautifully written piece that touches, and burns, with clear-eyed humanity.

  • Doug DeVita: Carefully Taught

    "Carefully Taught" is an excellent play; it asks more questions than it answers (which is a good thing), and left me a little bruised, a little shaken, and more than a little bit wiser about both myself and the state of race relations in this country.

    "Carefully Taught" is an excellent play; it asks more questions than it answers (which is a good thing), and left me a little bruised, a little shaken, and more than a little bit wiser about both myself and the state of race relations in this country.

  • Doug DeVita: LISTEN! THE RIVER (full length)

    This is one of Robin's most beautifully written plays (and she writes beautiful plays). It's a tremendously moving piece; lyrically joyous, sad, haunting, and, ultimately, life-affirming. A wonderful piece of theater.

    This is one of Robin's most beautifully written plays (and she writes beautiful plays). It's a tremendously moving piece; lyrically joyous, sad, haunting, and, ultimately, life-affirming. A wonderful piece of theater.