I devoured this play in one sitting, and was so haunted by its beauty I went back a few days later to read it again – and I'm still spinning from the experience. And for once, I'm at a loss for words except to say I love every word and every character in this script, and I'm deeply touched by Villanueva's depth of feeling in this this work. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone looking for an exceptionally moving, exceptionally well written drama. It's just so damn... perfect.
I devoured this play in one sitting, and was so haunted by its beauty I went back a few days later to read it again – and I'm still spinning from the experience. And for once, I'm at a loss for words except to say I love every word and every character in this script, and I'm deeply touched by Villanueva's depth of feeling in this this work. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone looking for an exceptionally moving, exceptionally well written drama. It's just so damn... perfect.