Recommended by Alexander Perez

  • Fascists and the People Who Kill Them
    21 Oct. 2020
    A sharp, sobering, and often hysterical satire that does not relent. Smith's living nightmare paints a terrifying portrait of the not too distant future where survival means shutting up or selling out the ones you love. Brilliantly paced, painfully relevant, and at the end of the day an exhilarating read that has me wanting to stop writing this and go back for a second read.
  • Dry Spell
    19 Oct. 2020
    There are few things worse than marinating in unresolved conflict and Suarez-Pena has harnessed that raw tension masterfully. Though the play is a mere 10 pages there are worlds that exist in the space between the lines that grips you tight and does not relent. Beautiful, heart-wrenching, and most surprisingly, hopeful.
  • The Improv Class
    19 Aug. 2020
    An all too familiar frustration to beginner improv aficionados elegantly transmutes into an unexpected parable about love, patience, and care. Connon's masterful manipulation of tone here is worthy of every bit of praise it receives and beyond.
  • Slow Jam
    17 Aug. 2020
    The act of healing deep, unseen wounds is a delicate one that requires utmost care and discrestion. The tenderness and vulnerability demonstrated here is the very portrait of patience in the face of trauma. Truly a beautiful conversation to watch unfold.
  • Uncovering
    17 Aug. 2020
    A steady wave of merciless unease permeates through the piece as Constance does her best to suppress immediate judgement in favor of presenting an impartial portrait of an unorthodox practice.

    Easier said than done.
  • i didn't think you'd be so unhappy
    17 Aug. 2020
    This piece all too accurately displays the agony of finding yourself on the wrong side of 25 with viscera(l) detail. It presents the truth in all it's brutal glory but not without allowing us to also find comfort and camaraderie in the love of those who are deep in the shit with us.
  • Love and the Fear of it All
    17 Aug. 2020
    Rincon once again proves himself a master storyteller with a piece that challenges the very definition of what a 10 minute piece can do. Thanks to his usual comedic flair and tender drama we're treated to a superb love story that warms the heart and exhilarates the senses.
    17 Aug. 2020
    This script is brimming with delicious language that moves fast and cuts deep. Shades of Stephen Adly-Guirgis lurk but this piece commands a voice all it's own. Loved this play.
  • Blinded
    14 Aug. 2020
    This play is violent in both it's prose and action but does not neglect it's own humanity. It's characters find means to grow by way of a brutal education though the soil may be soaked with blood. An unrelenting examination of belief structures and the actions taken to rationalize them when proven wrong. This is the kind of theater that changes minds.
  • Masking Our Blackness
    30 Jul. 2020
    This brilliant gem begins as a carefree evening with friends and blossoms into a devastating Jordan Peele-esque nightmare. A theatrical feast for the senses that should not be missed.
