Recommended by River Timms

    27 Jul. 2019
    A beautiful play that highlights the mundane and shows how little moments create huge ones, and yet, Szymkowicz chooses to focus on the mundane to showcase how beautiful tiny moments can be in one’s life. The Photographer as a main character telling us the story of the town and the people that live in it was a great choice too! Wholeheartedly recommend.
  • Truth/Dare
    5 Feb. 2019
    Keenan-Zelt's "Truth/Dare" is almost two plays at once: one riveting play about the awkwardness of growing up, another about how to grieve and carry on after tragedy and growing apart from close friends. However, she binds these two themes together seamlessly, creating a wonderful drama that brings laughter and tears.
  • The Pitchforks
    5 Feb. 2019
    The gay horror play that we all deserve. It's sexy and scary, but it's also a wonderful indictment about LGBTQ media and how infrequently our lives are allowed to be seen onscreen. Please read this play!
  • Primary User
    25 Jan. 2019
    With 'Primary User', Eppler crafts a brilliant story of grief that examines how difficult it can be to divide up the emotional pieces of a deceased person amongst those that loved them. Highly recommend.
