This play!!! A gift to designers, a gymnastics routine for two actors, and five-course meal for an audience, I'm obsessed with how funny and tender and technicolor the worlds of this play are. A will-they-won't-they love story that sprawls across 4,000 years, I don't know that I've ever seen a couple like Tanner and Archie onstage. They are hairy and FUNNY and, sure, at times toxic--but overall written with such a reservoir of genuine love for each other (platonic or romantic, unimportant). Producers: this is a two-hander, hilarious, wildly imaginative, award-winning script. What more can you...
This play!!! A gift to designers, a gymnastics routine for two actors, and five-course meal for an audience, I'm obsessed with how funny and tender and technicolor the worlds of this play are. A will-they-won't-they love story that sprawls across 4,000 years, I don't know that I've ever seen a couple like Tanner and Archie onstage. They are hairy and FUNNY and, sure, at times toxic--but overall written with such a reservoir of genuine love for each other (platonic or romantic, unimportant). Producers: this is a two-hander, hilarious, wildly imaginative, award-winning script. What more can you ask for?