Like "Riders to the Sea" by John Millington Synge, Jean Paul Sartre's "No Exit", and the poetry of Federico Garcia Lorca & even Emily Dickinson, Maggie Smith's "Winchester Geese" is a play that takes a hard, nearly uncompromising look at the finality and tragedy of death. While the conundrum of death has been tackled and overdone by playwrights, novelists and poets ad infinitum, Ms Smith, fortunately, has the nerve and talent to add something unique to this well-worn topic. A must-read! And a must-see! Nicely done, Maggie!
Like "Riders to the Sea" by John Millington Synge, Jean Paul Sartre's "No Exit", and the poetry of Federico Garcia Lorca & even Emily Dickinson, Maggie Smith's "Winchester Geese" is a play that takes a hard, nearly uncompromising look at the finality and tragedy of death. While the conundrum of death has been tackled and overdone by playwrights, novelists and poets ad infinitum, Ms Smith, fortunately, has the nerve and talent to add something unique to this well-worn topic. A must-read! And a must-see! Nicely done, Maggie!