Recommended by Eric Pfeffinger

  • Eric Pfeffinger: Moon Man Walk

    An often hilarious, very relatable story of loss and human connection, at once highly theatrical and eminently stageable. The central metaphor is both fanciful and heartbreaking and it lends this often poignant story a buoyant, transporting lift. The play rewards cunning but stripped-down approaches to staging.

    An often hilarious, very relatable story of loss and human connection, at once highly theatrical and eminently stageable. The central metaphor is both fanciful and heartbreaking and it lends this often poignant story a buoyant, transporting lift. The play rewards cunning but stripped-down approaches to staging.

  • Eric Pfeffinger: Lucinda's Bed

    Alternately raw and funny, LUCINDA'S BED is a masterfully assembled character study, built around a strong and surprisingly flexible design element and a fanciful but robust facility for metaphor. Eminently stageable, relentlessly involving and theatrically ingenious.

    Alternately raw and funny, LUCINDA'S BED is a masterfully assembled character study, built around a strong and surprisingly flexible design element and a fanciful but robust facility for metaphor. Eminently stageable, relentlessly involving and theatrically ingenious.

  • Eric Pfeffinger: WAVING GOODBYE

    At once poetic and theatrical, WAVING GOODBYE is a finely drawn exploration of loss, parenthood, and the capacities (and limitations) of art.

    At once poetic and theatrical, WAVING GOODBYE is a finely drawn exploration of loss, parenthood, and the capacities (and limitations) of art.

  • Eric Pfeffinger: Montana Lovesong

    A cunningly constructed play, propelled by a compelling mystery and with a warm and lyrical heart. In performance it pulls you into its world immediately and doesn't let go until the curtain falls ten minutes later.

    A cunningly constructed play, propelled by a compelling mystery and with a warm and lyrical heart. In performance it pulls you into its world immediately and doesn't let go until the curtain falls ten minutes later.

  • Eric Pfeffinger: (The Mystical Meeting of) Mays & Terese

    A fanciful, witty and elegantly brainy origin story of two major historical figures -- semi-Stoppardian in its speculative storytelling and thought-provoking in its exploration of faith and integrity.

    A fanciful, witty and elegantly brainy origin story of two major historical figures -- semi-Stoppardian in its speculative storytelling and thought-provoking in its exploration of faith and integrity.

  • Eric Pfeffinger: WORK

    Yes, it's a keen satire of corporate culture, but more to the point it's also an opportunity for inspired kinetic lunacy that no ensemble with a talent for physical comedy should even think about trying to resist.

    Yes, it's a keen satire of corporate culture, but more to the point it's also an opportunity for inspired kinetic lunacy that no ensemble with a talent for physical comedy should even think about trying to resist.