Recommended by Cheryl Bear

  • Cheryl Bear: Bring Me Flesh and Bring Me Wine

    A fantastic spin off of A Christmas Carol! Have you ever wondered what happens to Tiny Tim? You're about to find out in this Halloween-mas tale!

    A fantastic spin off of A Christmas Carol! Have you ever wondered what happens to Tiny Tim? You're about to find out in this Halloween-mas tale!

  • Cheryl Bear: Precious Little Snowflake

    Christmas time opens up a lot for parents about what traditions they want to follow, especially when relations to them are complicated, and how generous they want Santa to be. A fun play about navigating these waters and deciding what to pass on. Well done.

    Christmas time opens up a lot for parents about what traditions they want to follow, especially when relations to them are complicated, and how generous they want Santa to be. A fun play about navigating these waters and deciding what to pass on. Well done.

  • Cheryl Bear: And Jack Came Tumbling After

    Jack and Jill has certainly changed and become an intriguing murder scheme that will have hooked! Excellent!

    Jack and Jill has certainly changed and become an intriguing murder scheme that will have hooked! Excellent!

  • Cheryl Bear: Father's Day

    A look inside what many parents have to deal with when they're going about their errands.

    A look inside what many parents have to deal with when they're going about their errands.

  • Cheryl Bear: Happy Meal

    McDonalds gets schooled on gender neutrality when it comes to their toys. Very funny and relatable to many!

    McDonalds gets schooled on gender neutrality when it comes to their toys. Very funny and relatable to many!

  • Cheryl Bear: Pride

    A great lesson in the meaning of pride and the celebration of it. Own all of who you are and be proud!

    A great lesson in the meaning of pride and the celebration of it. Own all of who you are and be proud!

  • Cheryl Bear: The Choice

    A moment that warms your heart as this father shows his love for his child.

    A moment that warms your heart as this father shows his love for his child.

  • Cheryl Bear: Piece, a monologue

    A powerful monologue that takes you into the visceral feeling of being robbed and the traumatic experience that is. Very well done.

    A powerful monologue that takes you into the visceral feeling of being robbed and the traumatic experience that is. Very well done.

  • Cheryl Bear: Testifying (a monologue)

    A tornado of a powerful testimony to get us to wake up and take actions to fix global warming. To less tornados and a better ecosystem.

    A tornado of a powerful testimony to get us to wake up and take actions to fix global warming. To less tornados and a better ecosystem.

  • Cheryl Bear: Kindness of Enemies

    An intoxicating encounter where two test each other and we really want to see where this goes. Well done.

    An intoxicating encounter where two test each other and we really want to see where this goes. Well done.