Recommended by Erin Malone Turner

  • Erin Malone Turner: or what she will

    This play is a gorgeous diorama of growing up as twins, as well as a heartbreaking perusal of the searing effects of trauma and a family trying to heal and be healed in the aftermath. Simpson uses lyrical language to portray guilt, desolation, and the shocks that life so often inflicts, leaving one to pick up the pieces and move on in unexpected ways. Truly excellent!

    This play is a gorgeous diorama of growing up as twins, as well as a heartbreaking perusal of the searing effects of trauma and a family trying to heal and be healed in the aftermath. Simpson uses lyrical language to portray guilt, desolation, and the shocks that life so often inflicts, leaving one to pick up the pieces and move on in unexpected ways. Truly excellent!

  • Erin Malone Turner: To Be An Invincible Woman

    This play was a beautifully heartbreaking and insightful look into two remarkable women in a space that allowed them to reconnect and uncover truths and vulnerabilities that life on earth didn't quite allow. Both characters felt organic and connected in their questions, regrets, and hope. An excellent short play!

    This play was a beautifully heartbreaking and insightful look into two remarkable women in a space that allowed them to reconnect and uncover truths and vulnerabilities that life on earth didn't quite allow. Both characters felt organic and connected in their questions, regrets, and hope. An excellent short play!