Recommended by Jim Siering

  • 153
    10 Oct. 2022
    A beautiful gem about the passage of time, the journey of life, regrets, memories, and the possibilities of growth
  • Love is a Concept Invented by Poor People
    29 Aug. 2022
    Terrific. There’s a lot going on in these ten pages. A familiar situation, but a bold concept and wonderful dialogue.
  • Time Travelers Can Apply Yesterday
    18 Aug. 2022
    This piece is hysterically funny. Busser tackles the idea of time travel to furthest reaches of illogic and satirizes the office work environment brilliantly. Just great!
  • Beautiful People In a Living Room Doing Nothing
    17 Aug. 2022
    This is a funny, modern Theatre of the Absurd riff which reminds me of The Bald Soprano in its obsession with banality, indifference, and, in this case, upper middle-class boredom. And it has a gun. And sex. And a love triangle.
  • A Day in the Life of a Former Zombie
    19 Jun. 2021
    Terrific short play which touches on the subject of “cancel culture”, the responsibility performers bear for the material they present to the world, and the unforeseen effects that material may have on others.
  • Prometheus Shrugs
    20 May. 2021
    Very funny dialogue, an entertaining twist on mythology, and a great riff on co-dependence, friendship, and how the roles we play in life can be a form of imprisonment
  • The Bee That Declared a War (10 Minute Play)
    20 Apr. 2020
    This hard-hitting short play set in the lobby of an apartment building where the staff is being replaced by new management, explores race and privilege, and the ways we fail to see or connect to the people around us.
  • This Almost Joy
    20 Apr. 2020
    A very touching play about a play, in which the reality of the theatre is turned upside-down to simultaneously reveal both the human need that drives us to the theatre in the first place and the impossibility of the theatre to satisfy those needs.
  • Every Seven Minutes
    22 Mar. 2020
    A funny but chilling two-hander about the nature of de-humanizing work and the utter uselessness of rampant consumerism. A modern twist on Bartleby the Scrivener and R.U.R. Very entertaining and thought-provoking.
  • Dialogue & Subtext for Breakfast
    11 Mar. 2020
    A very funny Pirandello-esque piece about a tense breakfast between husband and wife during which they discuss their relationship as if they were elements of a script and reveal their problems with each other through comments about writing. Really clever.
