Recommended by Jim Siering

  • The Trouble with Mustard Greens
    26 Feb. 2020
    “ The Trouble with Mustard Greens” is a terrific monologue that functions as a two-hander between a young woman and her Punjabi mother who is cooking a traditional Indian dish offstage. Their relationship is revealed through the food: the ingredients, the recipes, the bond of cultural identity that both unites them and divides them. The writing is likewise both simple and complex.
  • Stick
    25 Feb. 2020
    This short play is outrageously funny and daring. Maxmilian Gill turns the phrase “ a stick up your ass” inside out by taking it absolutely literally in this satire of a boss- worker relationship.
  • Everything Here Is So Delicious (short)
    24 Feb. 2020
    This short play is a comic- horror absurdist romp about the viciousness and cold-heartedness of class and consumerism
    24 Feb. 2020
    This short play from the future is hysterically wacky, like a comic Terminator set in a kitchen. Mullen has a lot of fun with the things we leave in the fridge.
    22 Feb. 2020
    Pure theatricality. With the simplest of elements, and a great metaphor, Mullen packs a lot of surprises into this sweet ride at a crucial time in a romance.
  • 153
    21 Feb. 2020
    What a beautiful meditation on acceptance and forgiveness. The characters are the same person at different stages of life, but also different people, becoming, in relation to each other, like son, father, grandfather. Life is over before you know it, forgive yourself while there is time
  • Annnd Scene (of the Crime)
    21 Feb. 2020
    This short play is a very funny take on improv acting seen through a police investigation of a backstage murder. The truth emerges bit by bit through a series of hilarious theatre style improv games. Very cleverly done.
  • Bulletproof Love
    20 Feb. 2020
    This is a spectacularly poetic piece of theatre. A simple love story about two fierce characters with language that soars with humor, passion, and anguish.
  • Fireflies (5-minute)
    20 Feb. 2020
    A beautiful little play about adolescence, and a girl grappling with her mother's warnings as she grows into her own sexuality.
  • O Dreamer
    20 Feb. 2020
    This is a perfectly realized short play about a break-up which turns into an opening for a new chapter in the relationship between two men. Simple, funny and charming.
