Recommended by Benji Carr

  • Benji Carr: The Bachelor Party

    This script is a damn blast. It’s an excellent ensemble piece, funny throughout. The silent scene is my favorite. Plus, it’s just nice to read a smart farce.

    This script is a damn blast. It’s an excellent ensemble piece, funny throughout. The silent scene is my favorite. Plus, it’s just nice to read a smart farce.

  • Benji Carr: Prisontown

    Saw this performed by the playwright in Atlanta. Emotionally rich and topical, also funny. The central performer was versatile, adapting to every character mentioned in the story. Highly recommended.

    Saw this performed by the playwright in Atlanta. Emotionally rich and topical, also funny. The central performer was versatile, adapting to every character mentioned in the story. Highly recommended.

  • Benji Carr: Parental Rights

    Mara Dresner's PARENTAL RIGHTS, which I performed in a Zoom reading, was an excellent, layered take on a happily childless couple's feelings as they find themselves unexpectedly and accidentally pregnant. The central female characters are equally strong, and the directions the plot takes are often surprising. Beyond that, it has an emotional honesty and a sympathy toward its characters, flaws and all. Excellent work.

    Mara Dresner's PARENTAL RIGHTS, which I performed in a Zoom reading, was an excellent, layered take on a happily childless couple's feelings as they find themselves unexpectedly and accidentally pregnant. The central female characters are equally strong, and the directions the plot takes are often surprising. Beyond that, it has an emotional honesty and a sympathy toward its characters, flaws and all. Excellent work.

  • Benji Carr: What Happens At Jock Night

    This was nice, filled with expected and unexpected beats. Reading the character descriptions gave me a sense of where the writer would take me, yet the parts I found most endearing and delightful were the glimpses the conversations gave of the other characters’ family lives.

    As someone gay with a nontraditional body and intense anxiety around it, I could relate.

    This was nice, filled with expected and unexpected beats. Reading the character descriptions gave me a sense of where the writer would take me, yet the parts I found most endearing and delightful were the glimpses the conversations gave of the other characters’ family lives.

    As someone gay with a nontraditional body and intense anxiety around it, I could relate.

  • Benji Carr: A Life in Public Service (a monologue)

    There are seeds of the children we once were in the people we become. Louise Schwarz’s take on this idea - showing Jenny at various stages of development, campaigning with various levels of enthusiasm for student government. It’s a nice idea, reminiscent of 7 Up and Boyhood, and I imagine it would be a fun challenge for a performer.

    There are seeds of the children we once were in the people we become. Louise Schwarz’s take on this idea - showing Jenny at various stages of development, campaigning with various levels of enthusiasm for student government. It’s a nice idea, reminiscent of 7 Up and Boyhood, and I imagine it would be a fun challenge for a performer.

  • Benji Carr: Uncomfortable [a 1-minute monologue]

    This is glorious and bleak, the sort of moment we see everyday recontextualized so that a spotlight is placed upon it.

    This is glorious and bleak, the sort of moment we see everyday recontextualized so that a spotlight is placed upon it.


    The frustration and the attraction is palpable and honest. I feel for the speaker, connect to the speaker and kinda wanna warn the speaker to run. Because once I was that person. Nicely done, Asher.

    The frustration and the attraction is palpable and honest. I feel for the speaker, connect to the speaker and kinda wanna warn the speaker to run. Because once I was that person. Nicely done, Asher.

  • Benji Carr: Blue

    Excellent play with a grand staccato pulse to its dialogue. I saw this performed at the Samuel French Off Off Broadway Play Festival in 2019, and Emily Hageman is a tremendous talent.

    Excellent play with a grand staccato pulse to its dialogue. I saw this performed at the Samuel French Off Off Broadway Play Festival in 2019, and Emily Hageman is a tremendous talent.

  • Benji Carr: Stay for Dinner

    This play - which won the 2019 Samuel French Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival, where I saw it twice - is a subtle masterpiece of a game. While the central characters - a killer chef and a disembodied head on a platter - flirt their way through a romance in the middle of the haunted house where they both work, McLaughlin plays out every possible repercussion of regular people visiting a haunted house. This play is all-ages appropriate and tremendous fun. It may be one of the best Halloween plays ever written. Stay for Dinner is delightful.

    This play - which won the 2019 Samuel French Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival, where I saw it twice - is a subtle masterpiece of a game. While the central characters - a killer chef and a disembodied head on a platter - flirt their way through a romance in the middle of the haunted house where they both work, McLaughlin plays out every possible repercussion of regular people visiting a haunted house. This play is all-ages appropriate and tremendous fun. It may be one of the best Halloween plays ever written. Stay for Dinner is delightful.

  • Benji Carr: The Dark

    Holy crap, this is an amazing piece of theater. It's technically daring, emotionally compelling and more than delivers on the promise of its title. It evoked memories of being the mocked, teased sibling, the one who just wants to be popular and fit in. And then ... it becomes something else entirely. I was shocked and always entertained. I loved this.

    Holy crap, this is an amazing piece of theater. It's technically daring, emotionally compelling and more than delivers on the promise of its title. It evoked memories of being the mocked, teased sibling, the one who just wants to be popular and fit in. And then ... it becomes something else entirely. I was shocked and always entertained. I loved this.