Recommended by John Busser

  • John Busser: Viva - A Monologue

    We sometimes forget that people live incredibly full lives, with experiences we could never have in the same combination, and that no one lives life the same way. This view should be cherished, really, as in Robert Weibezahl's "Viva", where we watch a 90 year old woman contemplate the events of her life while she gets ready to go to the doctor. It is rich in detail, even as Joni forgets past events and people, and drives home the point that most of us are actually a treasure trove of meaningful memory. This will stay with you.

    We sometimes forget that people live incredibly full lives, with experiences we could never have in the same combination, and that no one lives life the same way. This view should be cherished, really, as in Robert Weibezahl's "Viva", where we watch a 90 year old woman contemplate the events of her life while she gets ready to go to the doctor. It is rich in detail, even as Joni forgets past events and people, and drives home the point that most of us are actually a treasure trove of meaningful memory. This will stay with you.

  • John Busser: SKULLDUGGERY

    Talk about an exercise in building tension. I kept waiting for the other show to drop (or ceremonial axe in this case) from page 1. It was almost a relief when things went wrong. Donna Latham has created a nail-biter here with nothing more than presenting a dark, cramped, poorly lit grave and two men clueless about higher powers. Creepy fun!

    Talk about an exercise in building tension. I kept waiting for the other show to drop (or ceremonial axe in this case) from page 1. It was almost a relief when things went wrong. Donna Latham has created a nail-biter here with nothing more than presenting a dark, cramped, poorly lit grave and two men clueless about higher powers. Creepy fun!

  • John Busser: Puppers [a monologue]

    As a first-time dog... I won't say owner, because she really owns ME, I found this inside peek into a puppy's head a charmer. How I've wished my dog would communicate verbally just to see what goes on between the ears she likes having scratched so much. A monologue as full of life and energy as the subject matter, this would be a hilarious treat so see produced. Pity the actor who has to work him or herself into the frenzy of a young puppy like this. Then sit back and watch the fun.

    As a first-time dog... I won't say owner, because she really owns ME, I found this inside peek into a puppy's head a charmer. How I've wished my dog would communicate verbally just to see what goes on between the ears she likes having scratched so much. A monologue as full of life and energy as the subject matter, this would be a hilarious treat so see produced. Pity the actor who has to work him or herself into the frenzy of a young puppy like this. Then sit back and watch the fun.

  • John Busser: Veterans of Community Theatre

    Ah the fond memories this conjures up. Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn knows of what she speaks here, from actors who tell tales to actors who tell tales badly. This is a love letter to that place most of us started, whether as actors or writers. I think what I like most is that she could have been more caustic in her skewering, but instead, gently teases us (and her characters) with this play. A charmer for audiences and actors alike.

    Ah the fond memories this conjures up. Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn knows of what she speaks here, from actors who tell tales to actors who tell tales badly. This is a love letter to that place most of us started, whether as actors or writers. I think what I like most is that she could have been more caustic in her skewering, but instead, gently teases us (and her characters) with this play. A charmer for audiences and actors alike.

  • John Busser: Soft Rains

    Wow, not where I was expecting that to go. Although in this day and twisted age, I could see some people assigning just this sort of blame. Jacquie Floyd has written a chilling end of mankind story precisely because man was NOT kind. This is good stuff. And the fact that it was written a decade ago before all our current societal woes is spooky. Let’s hope this isn’t where we’re going. Well done!

    Wow, not where I was expecting that to go. Although in this day and twisted age, I could see some people assigning just this sort of blame. Jacquie Floyd has written a chilling end of mankind story precisely because man was NOT kind. This is good stuff. And the fact that it was written a decade ago before all our current societal woes is spooky. Let’s hope this isn’t where we’re going. Well done!

  • John Busser: A Dave with Destiny (Online Version)

    A play about connections we never knew existed and the people that are okay with leaving it that way. Short, concise, charmingly funny and surprisingly compelling. Sometimes plays like this have very thin characters, but here, I wanted to really know how they knew each other and was pulling for them to connect. However, the payoff made me laugh out loud and I was content to let them leave to continue connected, but from an unconnected place, if that makes sense. And c'mon... That title? Perfect!

    A play about connections we never knew existed and the people that are okay with leaving it that way. Short, concise, charmingly funny and surprisingly compelling. Sometimes plays like this have very thin characters, but here, I wanted to really know how they knew each other and was pulling for them to connect. However, the payoff made me laugh out loud and I was content to let them leave to continue connected, but from an unconnected place, if that makes sense. And c'mon... That title? Perfect!

  • John Busser: The Sentence - 10 Minute Play

    Sobering and devastating at the same time. Ryan Kaminski creates characters who are coming together for a specific purpose, but with completely different motivations. When one attempts to connect, he finds out just how different those motivations are. And what is so satisfying is, even after that, the understanding and commonality come to the fore. Well done.

    Sobering and devastating at the same time. Ryan Kaminski creates characters who are coming together for a specific purpose, but with completely different motivations. When one attempts to connect, he finds out just how different those motivations are. And what is so satisfying is, even after that, the understanding and commonality come to the fore. Well done.

  • John Busser: Taking Sum Lumps (Online Version)

    Good comedy is all about escalation, and this play has it in spades. The build up just gets funnier and funnier until we reach a boiling point and then, the laughs continue. I love this guy's writing. Keep up the good funny work, Ken!

    Good comedy is all about escalation, and this play has it in spades. The build up just gets funnier and funnier until we reach a boiling point and then, the laughs continue. I love this guy's writing. Keep up the good funny work, Ken!

  • John Busser: The Deal - 10 Minute Play

    Oh, how Twilight-Zone-esque! This is a delightfully twisted piece with a familiar story getting turned on its ear. I loved the way the story plays out making you think it's going one way and then lowering the boom at the end. Perfect for a night of one acts!

    Oh, how Twilight-Zone-esque! This is a delightfully twisted piece with a familiar story getting turned on its ear. I loved the way the story plays out making you think it's going one way and then lowering the boom at the end. Perfect for a night of one acts!

  • John Busser: Meet The Beatletoons

    It's GENIUS! This is a wonderful 10 minutes that goes by in what seems like 3. Funny as hell, clever and with a punchline that could not be more perfect. I loved it!

    It's GENIUS! This is a wonderful 10 minutes that goes by in what seems like 3. Funny as hell, clever and with a punchline that could not be more perfect. I loved it!