A sprawling, incredibly theatrical, engrossing trip through the 60s, courtesy of three parallel stories intricately intertwined. I particularly admired the workmanship of the first section, in which each third of the stage tells a different story, yet all three are clearly linked thematically and occasionally through language as well. It would be easy for the play to lose momentum after such a memorable start, but the continual introduction of crucial characters, motivations and revelations keep it brisk and involving throughout. Would love to see this magic on stage.
A sprawling, incredibly theatrical, engrossing trip through the 60s, courtesy of three parallel stories intricately intertwined. I particularly admired the workmanship of the first section, in which each third of the stage tells a different story, yet all three are clearly linked thematically and occasionally through language as well. It would be easy for the play to lose momentum after such a memorable start, but the continual introduction of crucial characters, motivations and revelations keep it brisk and involving throughout. Would love to see this magic on stage.