Recommended by Kim E. Ruyle

  • Kim E. Ruyle: Four Thieves Vinegar

    Wow! The prescience to create this play just a few short years before Covid! Great research! Amazing characters, dialogue, and setting expertly employed to create a terrifying story set in 1665 London pulsing with authenticity. Foster has written a powerful and timely play. Highly recommended.

    Wow! The prescience to create this play just a few short years before Covid! Great research! Amazing characters, dialogue, and setting expertly employed to create a terrifying story set in 1665 London pulsing with authenticity. Foster has written a powerful and timely play. Highly recommended.

  • Kim E. Ruyle: The End of Autumn

    Megan Ann Jacobs gives us another story about Autumn, her alter egos, and her demons in a dark psychological story of suspense. This tale of abuse and delusion raises compelling questions about mental illness, our justice system, our ability to help someone in need. Jacobs sharply defines the characters and deploys them with creative staging to clearly tell the tale of Autumn’s ordeal. This story is powerful, thought-provoking, and chilling.

    Megan Ann Jacobs gives us another story about Autumn, her alter egos, and her demons in a dark psychological story of suspense. This tale of abuse and delusion raises compelling questions about mental illness, our justice system, our ability to help someone in need. Jacobs sharply defines the characters and deploys them with creative staging to clearly tell the tale of Autumn’s ordeal. This story is powerful, thought-provoking, and chilling.

  • Kim E. Ruyle: Riddles

    Delightfully suspenseful and creepy! Ross Tedford Kendall creates a taut mystery full of riddles and leaves the biggest question hanging for us to ponder. This is wickedly great fun!

    Delightfully suspenseful and creepy! Ross Tedford Kendall creates a taut mystery full of riddles and leaves the biggest question hanging for us to ponder. This is wickedly great fun!

  • Kim E. Ruyle: COASTER

    Scott Mullen takes us on a wild ten-minute ride that we think is going to be terrifying for Maria. Turns out, it’s Paul who is terror-stricken, and it’s not from the twists and turns from the ride but rather from the curve thrown by Maria. It takes more than one spin around the track, but the ride finally comes to a satisfying conclusion. Great!

    Scott Mullen takes us on a wild ten-minute ride that we think is going to be terrifying for Maria. Turns out, it’s Paul who is terror-stricken, and it’s not from the twists and turns from the ride but rather from the curve thrown by Maria. It takes more than one spin around the track, but the ride finally comes to a satisfying conclusion. Great!

  • Kim E. Ruyle: /ärt/

    Steven Martin skewers adult pretension and bias in hilarious fashion. What a fun way to teach some important lessons we should all learn. Highly recommended!

    Steven Martin skewers adult pretension and bias in hilarious fashion. What a fun way to teach some important lessons we should all learn. Highly recommended!

  • Kim E. Ruyle: CORNUCOPIA

    A hilarious exchange between two lovers on Thanksgiving eve. The rapid-fire conversation is delightful and dizzying as each character fires shots that ricochet from one topic to another. Fantastic!

    A hilarious exchange between two lovers on Thanksgiving eve. The rapid-fire conversation is delightful and dizzying as each character fires shots that ricochet from one topic to another. Fantastic!

  • Kim E. Ruyle: Bulletproof Love

    Scott Sickles is an artist. The portrait he paints with language is so colorful, so vivid, so richly textured, I want to see this performed, and see it again, and again. Fantastic!

    Scott Sickles is an artist. The portrait he paints with language is so colorful, so vivid, so richly textured, I want to see this performed, and see it again, and again. Fantastic!

  • Kim E. Ruyle: Kangaroo Boy

    An authentic and powerful treatment of bullying and the importance of knowing and accepting yourself. The tone is pitch perfect, affecting but not syrupy or pandering. Wonderful roles for two young actors. Bravo!

    An authentic and powerful treatment of bullying and the importance of knowing and accepting yourself. The tone is pitch perfect, affecting but not syrupy or pandering. Wonderful roles for two young actors. Bravo!

  • Kim E. Ruyle: Fireworks

    In the office, there are always those who are competent and those less competent. Those in the know and those in the dark. Those who take control of situations and those who are victims of situations. Ross Tedford Kendall serves up all these elements and more under a shower of fireworks which accentuates the drama in a spectacular, multi-sensory way. Well done!

    In the office, there are always those who are competent and those less competent. Those in the know and those in the dark. Those who take control of situations and those who are victims of situations. Ross Tedford Kendall serves up all these elements and more under a shower of fireworks which accentuates the drama in a spectacular, multi-sensory way. Well done!

  • Kim E. Ruyle: All Together Again

    Having finished the first installment in this series this morning, I immediately dived into the ten-year reunion, of sorts. Wow! All Together Again does more than tug at the heartstrings – it grabs them and yanks. Hard. The depiction of alcoholism is all too real and painfully portrayed. Again, I found myself rooting for the characters and welcomed the addition of Nancy to the family. I will definitely read the subsequent chapters… after giving the old heartstrings a chance to rebound. Highly recommended!

    Having finished the first installment in this series this morning, I immediately dived into the ten-year reunion, of sorts. Wow! All Together Again does more than tug at the heartstrings – it grabs them and yanks. Hard. The depiction of alcoholism is all too real and painfully portrayed. Again, I found myself rooting for the characters and welcomed the addition of Nancy to the family. I will definitely read the subsequent chapters… after giving the old heartstrings a chance to rebound. Highly recommended!