Recommended by T. Reid Kirtley

  • T. Reid Kirtley: Town Hall

    Invoking Sarah Kane's Craved meets Model UN, drenched in play and possibility, Caridad Svich has written a piece that feels like a deep breath in and out. Slightly anonymous, open and politically minded, but always self aware of its scope and purposes: this play holds space for us to gather and think. Svich has challenged the structures of the page just as much as the audience is challenged by the play's open ended questions and memories. I feel thankful to have read Town Hall.

    Invoking Sarah Kane's Craved meets Model UN, drenched in play and possibility, Caridad Svich has written a piece that feels like a deep breath in and out. Slightly anonymous, open and politically minded, but always self aware of its scope and purposes: this play holds space for us to gather and think. Svich has challenged the structures of the page just as much as the audience is challenged by the play's open ended questions and memories. I feel thankful to have read Town Hall.