Emma James Dahl

Emma James Dahl

Cleveland-based writer from Pittsburgh. Member of the Young Playwrights Collective. Baldwin Wallace University alum. (she/they)


  • The Storm
    (~105 minutes.) - An evening in late June 2004, two summers after the death of a younger camper sent shockwaves through the community of Youghiogheny Christian Camp. Four camp counselors are settling in for a night away from their campers when an unexplained voice is heard over their walkie-talkie. As the night grows darker the storm grows heavier, dredging up what is buried underneath.
  • The Lovers
    (~10 minutes) - A couple find new love on vacation.
  • Make House
    (~45 minutes) - After the long and painful process of looking for their first house, young married couple Tori and Nick find the home of their dreams. But when they discover what - or who - is in the basement, they are forced to decide if they can support the reality their dream is built on.