Recommended by Maggie Gallant

  • Maggie Gallant: Check Me Out

    I just had to read this piece out loud to myself. The characters are so distinctive, fun and funny, and would be great to play onstage. Love the premise and it all ties together wonderfully.

    I just had to read this piece out loud to myself. The characters are so distinctive, fun and funny, and would be great to play onstage. Love the premise and it all ties together wonderfully.

  • Maggie Gallant: THE RIPPLE EFFECT, award-winning 10-minute comedy for two actors

    Arianna Rose captures this beautiful moment in time as Jeff and Amy wait for the results of their home pregnancy test. I was laughing by the end of the first page and the banter between them continues through the piece. But there's depth to this short play too as we learn more about the couple - their past and their hopes for the future. Simple and incredibly effective. Not surprised it's had so many productions already.

    Arianna Rose captures this beautiful moment in time as Jeff and Amy wait for the results of their home pregnancy test. I was laughing by the end of the first page and the banter between them continues through the piece. But there's depth to this short play too as we learn more about the couple - their past and their hopes for the future. Simple and incredibly effective. Not surprised it's had so many productions already.

  • Maggie Gallant: The Mockingbird's Nest

    A fascinating and very different futuristic take on caregiving and parent/child relationships. Darkly menacing with a wonderful twist and like the best Black Mirror episodes it has enough recognizable moments to make it believable.

    A fascinating and very different futuristic take on caregiving and parent/child relationships. Darkly menacing with a wonderful twist and like the best Black Mirror episodes it has enough recognizable moments to make it believable.

  • Maggie Gallant: Sitting and Talking: a Play for Zoom

    Though set over Zoom and during a very specific time period, this feels like a timeless play about love, loss, aging and relevance. It's fascinating to read this in November 2021, and to relive so many of the fears and losses and anxieties of those early months of the pandemic. I'm inspired by the realistic and often very funny dialogue and the portraits of Charles and Enid who felt so incredibly real to me.

    Though set over Zoom and during a very specific time period, this feels like a timeless play about love, loss, aging and relevance. It's fascinating to read this in November 2021, and to relive so many of the fears and losses and anxieties of those early months of the pandemic. I'm inspired by the realistic and often very funny dialogue and the portraits of Charles and Enid who felt so incredibly real to me.

  • Maggie Gallant: Prefers Bright Indirect Light

    An exceptionally funny and poignant short play. Every character is distinct and well-drawn and just as I would imagine them. The dialogue is so snappy, not a word wasted, that I raced through and then went back and read a second time to really savour the humour and pathos. Wonderful work.

    An exceptionally funny and poignant short play. Every character is distinct and well-drawn and just as I would imagine them. The dialogue is so snappy, not a word wasted, that I raced through and then went back and read a second time to really savour the humour and pathos. Wonderful work.

  • Maggie Gallant: Hot Air

    I anthropomorphize things. A lot. So this brilliant play about three Macy's Parade balloons was an instant yes, and it lived up to all my expectations. An inventive and funny take on the fleeting nature of celebrity/popularity, our increasing disregard for tradition, and the passing of the torch. Sparing and sparkling dialogue between the very distinct characters moves the action along swiftly (with some laugh-out-loud lines) but I'll remember this piece for quite a while.

    I anthropomorphize things. A lot. So this brilliant play about three Macy's Parade balloons was an instant yes, and it lived up to all my expectations. An inventive and funny take on the fleeting nature of celebrity/popularity, our increasing disregard for tradition, and the passing of the torch. Sparing and sparkling dialogue between the very distinct characters moves the action along swiftly (with some laugh-out-loud lines) but I'll remember this piece for quite a while.

  • Maggie Gallant: MLM is for Murder (Or, Your Side Hustle is Killing Us)

    This has been on my reading list for a while and I'm so glad I finally read it. Echoing much of what has already been said but it's a stellar script, a beautiful intertwining of two stories. Funny and absurd with much to say about our obsession with finding your passion and getting to the top.

    This has been on my reading list for a while and I'm so glad I finally read it. Echoing much of what has already been said but it's a stellar script, a beautiful intertwining of two stories. Funny and absurd with much to say about our obsession with finding your passion and getting to the top.

  • Maggie Gallant: Valentina: A Monologue

    Came to this via the Talking Horse Monologue contest and had to read the whole thing. Though based on found historical records, this piece also works as a kind of Russian cautinary tale. It is beautifully written with a rhythm that's almost poetic. It's infused with sadness but also great humor and depicts a woman both of her time but also timeless. I loved Valentina and hope this has many more productions.

    Came to this via the Talking Horse Monologue contest and had to read the whole thing. Though based on found historical records, this piece also works as a kind of Russian cautinary tale. It is beautifully written with a rhythm that's almost poetic. It's infused with sadness but also great humor and depicts a woman both of her time but also timeless. I loved Valentina and hope this has many more productions.

  • Maggie Gallant: Lois Returns

    Brilliant. I just watched this as part of the Talking Horse Mono Contest. A wonderful premise, full of great lines. 'Fumbling around in the sex department' was one of my many favorites. You hope the piece will go the way you think it will, and it does, but then it goes further and gives you more to discover about Lois. So fun, I had to read it again to really savor the excellent writing. And a great performance too.

    Brilliant. I just watched this as part of the Talking Horse Mono Contest. A wonderful premise, full of great lines. 'Fumbling around in the sex department' was one of my many favorites. You hope the piece will go the way you think it will, and it does, but then it goes further and gives you more to discover about Lois. So fun, I had to read it again to really savor the excellent writing. And a great performance too.

  • Maggie Gallant: Bits N Pieces

    I'm a huge fan of the 24 Hr Plays Viral Monologues series and hope to find the recording of Bits 'N Pieces because this was an exceptional read. Like the very best monologues, I thought I knew where this was going and then a word, or a line completely blindsided me. Lindsey is sweetly terrifying, what an amazing gift for an actor. Brilliantly funny, disturbing and dark with lines that I think I'll be quoting for some time. Wow, Ali.

    I'm a huge fan of the 24 Hr Plays Viral Monologues series and hope to find the recording of Bits 'N Pieces because this was an exceptional read. Like the very best monologues, I thought I knew where this was going and then a word, or a line completely blindsided me. Lindsey is sweetly terrifying, what an amazing gift for an actor. Brilliantly funny, disturbing and dark with lines that I think I'll be quoting for some time. Wow, Ali.