Brainy and delightful, this play weaves together quantum physics, music, poetry, lush fabrics from every corner of the world, and a supremely pleasing oddness, underlaid by the sinister facts of an ever-watching Big Brother and imminent death was wonderful. Visually, it will be spectacular when fully realized. I love plays with a supernatural/magical realism/realism-plus aspect to them. I never before thought of Einsteinian physics being another potential form of that, but turns out it is. Oh, and that ending: (Spoiler Alert) the moth-draped naked woman playing her compositions to the universe...
Brainy and delightful, this play weaves together quantum physics, music, poetry, lush fabrics from every corner of the world, and a supremely pleasing oddness, underlaid by the sinister facts of an ever-watching Big Brother and imminent death was wonderful. Visually, it will be spectacular when fully realized. I love plays with a supernatural/magical realism/realism-plus aspect to them. I never before thought of Einsteinian physics being another potential form of that, but turns out it is. Oh, and that ending: (Spoiler Alert) the moth-draped naked woman playing her compositions to the universe will long stay with me.