This wild "meet the parents" comedy begins with a familiar premise - a young man brings a new girlfriend home to meet the family for the first time. The magic in this piece comes from the characters, who each harbor a fun, colorful secret. As the protagonist (the aforementioned new girlfriend) becomes acquainted with each family member, she comes to realize that, despite her boyfriend's claims, there is NO need to fake perfection! It leads to a lovely, silly, magical moment of catharsis at the end! Each little character reveal will be a blast for audiences to experience! Fun!
This wild "meet the parents" comedy begins with a familiar premise - a young man brings a new girlfriend home to meet the family for the first time. The magic in this piece comes from the characters, who each harbor a fun, colorful secret. As the protagonist (the aforementioned new girlfriend) becomes acquainted with each family member, she comes to realize that, despite her boyfriend's claims, there is NO need to fake perfection! It leads to a lovely, silly, magical moment of catharsis at the end! Each little character reveal will be a blast for audiences to experience! Fun!