This short piece may be set in a distant, post-Earth future. Still, audiences will certainly be able to relate to the human service workers at the center of the narrative—sisters working in health and medicine forced to grapple with jargon-filled policies that make their lives harder and more complicated. The playwright never condescends, launching the reader directly into the high-tech, futuristic world of the play. I love the way foreign meets familiar in this sci-fi short!
This short piece may be set in a distant, post-Earth future. Still, audiences will certainly be able to relate to the human service workers at the center of the narrative—sisters working in health and medicine forced to grapple with jargon-filled policies that make their lives harder and more complicated. The playwright never condescends, launching the reader directly into the high-tech, futuristic world of the play. I love the way foreign meets familiar in this sci-fi short!