Recommended by Greg Romero

  • Greg Romero: The Trials of Virginia Rappe

    I had the pleasure of seeing a reading of this play at the 2021 Valdez Theater Conference and enjoyed it so much. Like all of Tamar's work, the play is smart, and features beautiful language and fully-drawn, compelling characters. There are also some really fun and highly intelligent theatrical flourishes, particularly in the silent-screen re-creations of the fatal moments surrounding the incidents between Rappe and Arbuckle in the Hotel St. Francis. This is a highly engaging, thoughtful, active work that gives voice to an under-represented story.

    I had the pleasure of seeing a reading of this play at the 2021 Valdez Theater Conference and enjoyed it so much. Like all of Tamar's work, the play is smart, and features beautiful language and fully-drawn, compelling characters. There are also some really fun and highly intelligent theatrical flourishes, particularly in the silent-screen re-creations of the fatal moments surrounding the incidents between Rappe and Arbuckle in the Hotel St. Francis. This is a highly engaging, thoughtful, active work that gives voice to an under-represented story.

  • Greg Romero: SHRINES

    I am so grateful to have seen a reading of this play at the Valdez Theater Conference in June 2021. There is so much that is so powerful and impressive about this play and its deeply painful, humane, and fresh expression of grief. Wellman has created four incredibly human and complicated characters, who we get to know intimately, painfully - and in real-time - as the guts of their lives spill out right in front of us. Wellman's attention to detail - in all ways - is exquisite and devastating. This is a beautiful, exciting work of theater.

    I am so grateful to have seen a reading of this play at the Valdez Theater Conference in June 2021. There is so much that is so powerful and impressive about this play and its deeply painful, humane, and fresh expression of grief. Wellman has created four incredibly human and complicated characters, who we get to know intimately, painfully - and in real-time - as the guts of their lives spill out right in front of us. Wellman's attention to detail - in all ways - is exquisite and devastating. This is a beautiful, exciting work of theater.

  • Greg Romero: LA 8 AM (a ten minute play)

    I had the pleasure of reading this play, then seeing it in production with The Tank (NYC) as part of the "Weird Plays" project and there is so much that I like about it. Like all of Levine's work, it offers surprises - fresh moments you didn't see coming. This play does that, and one of these surprises also offers a really satisfying gut punch, delivered less by words and more by numbers and Froot Loops. This is a really excellent, very full, short play.

    I had the pleasure of reading this play, then seeing it in production with The Tank (NYC) as part of the "Weird Plays" project and there is so much that I like about it. Like all of Levine's work, it offers surprises - fresh moments you didn't see coming. This play does that, and one of these surprises also offers a really satisfying gut punch, delivered less by words and more by numbers and Froot Loops. This is a really excellent, very full, short play.

  • Greg Romero: A Rare Bird

    I had the pleasure of reading this lovely play, then seeing it in production with The Tank (NYC) as part of the "Weird Plays" project. It is a play full of gentle surprises, gorgeous visuals (both in the language and in the physical transformation we see a character taking on) and beautifully expresses longing and the need for belonging. This play is a heart-breaking delight.

    I had the pleasure of reading this lovely play, then seeing it in production with The Tank (NYC) as part of the "Weird Plays" project. It is a play full of gentle surprises, gorgeous visuals (both in the language and in the physical transformation we see a character taking on) and beautifully expresses longing and the need for belonging. This play is a heart-breaking delight.

  • Greg Romero: Piper

    I had the pleasure of witnessing Brian develop this play during our time together in Hyde Park Theatre's playwriting group. I was continually delighted by the freshness of Brian's writing, the depth of thought in how he crafted this work, and the sincerity in his approach to creating. As a work of theater, PIPER is fun, surprising, and full of humor and pathos; a classic story made fresh through new, complex, fascinating characters who do delightfully surprising things, all expressed through some highly theatrical moments.

    I had the pleasure of witnessing Brian develop this play during our time together in Hyde Park Theatre's playwriting group. I was continually delighted by the freshness of Brian's writing, the depth of thought in how he crafted this work, and the sincerity in his approach to creating. As a work of theater, PIPER is fun, surprising, and full of humor and pathos; a classic story made fresh through new, complex, fascinating characters who do delightfully surprising things, all expressed through some highly theatrical moments.

  • Greg Romero: Do You Feel Safe Yet? : a collection of (un)safe plays

    I had the pleasure of seeing this play in production at FronteraFest in 2018 and there is so much that I like about it. The play is really fun and offers a lot of surprises in spoken, physical, and theatrical language. Kosmak's writing feels really fresh in a really delightful way.

    I had the pleasure of seeing this play in production at FronteraFest in 2018 and there is so much that I like about it. The play is really fun and offers a lot of surprises in spoken, physical, and theatrical language. Kosmak's writing feels really fresh in a really delightful way.


    I had the pleasure of reading a role in this play as part of the COVID Bake-Off Reading and it masterfully walked the knife's edge between being an experience that was unmistakably fun and deeply troubling. This play is darkly comic, painfully funny, and full of deeply relatable and complicated truths - all very smartly expressed by and with a talking pangolin. This is an excellent play, thoughtfully written, to read in isolation, while social distancing, or with an audience.

    I had the pleasure of reading a role in this play as part of the COVID Bake-Off Reading and it masterfully walked the knife's edge between being an experience that was unmistakably fun and deeply troubling. This play is darkly comic, painfully funny, and full of deeply relatable and complicated truths - all very smartly expressed by and with a talking pangolin. This is an excellent play, thoughtfully written, to read in isolation, while social distancing, or with an audience.

  • Greg Romero: Message of Pain

    I had the pleasure of seeing a reading of this play at the Mid-American Theatre Conference and had numerous emotional experiences while breathing it in. Partain beautifully and smartly creates many layers of devastation while also offering the audience delightful mental puzzles and memorable, crushing, desperate images.

    I had the pleasure of seeing a reading of this play at the Mid-American Theatre Conference and had numerous emotional experiences while breathing it in. Partain beautifully and smartly creates many layers of devastation while also offering the audience delightful mental puzzles and memorable, crushing, desperate images.

  • Greg Romero: A Moment of Clarity

    I had the pleasure of watching a reading of this play at the 2019 Valdez Last Frontier Theater Conference. I found it to be a perfect short play-- the story-telling is elegant in its brevity, but the story reaches deep. I found delight in the play's humor and smart attention to detail and moved by the characters, their relationship, and their (and the playwright's) big hearts.

    I had the pleasure of watching a reading of this play at the 2019 Valdez Last Frontier Theater Conference. I found it to be a perfect short play-- the story-telling is elegant in its brevity, but the story reaches deep. I found delight in the play's humor and smart attention to detail and moved by the characters, their relationship, and their (and the playwright's) big hearts.

  • Greg Romero: Watchers

    I just watched a reading of this play at the 2019 Valdez Last Frontier Theater Conference and it totally blew me away. I love this play. It is one of the most exciting, thrilling, theatrical news plays I've seen or read in the past few years. It is incredibly active, full of amazing and delightfully impossible images, and rich with beautifully complicated, full, surprising characters. There is so much depth, expanse, imagination, and guts here. After the play was over, I wanted to immediately watch it again.

    I just watched a reading of this play at the 2019 Valdez Last Frontier Theater Conference and it totally blew me away. I love this play. It is one of the most exciting, thrilling, theatrical news plays I've seen or read in the past few years. It is incredibly active, full of amazing and delightfully impossible images, and rich with beautifully complicated, full, surprising characters. There is so much depth, expanse, imagination, and guts here. After the play was over, I wanted to immediately watch it again.