Recommended by Daniel Repp

  • OTP
    20 Mar. 2022
    This play deserves to be read on the merit of having a character named Obarack described as "The Waluigi to Barack's Luigi" alone. But it is also an engaging exploration of responsibility and expectations in friendships and of where our ideals meet our limitations when we try to be good leaders.
  • Good Water
    18 Mar. 2022
    An intriguing puzzle of a play. Moreland explores the feeling of living in an epilogue through characters surviving after the end of the world and continuing their lives after losing loved ones. If you're a fan of milkshakes, robots, or Greek mythology, you've found the right play.
  • Swirl
    16 Feb. 2022
    Every character is so distinct, and Asante weaves them together in a gripping web spun from their expectations and resentments of each other. Hilarious and uncomfortable all at once!
  • House Church
    13 Feb. 2022
    An engaging pressure-cooker of a play. Ogborn layers on discomfort from cringey comments to existential uncertainty to fear of impending violence, keeping strong humor throughout.
  • cara has a hole in her head
    12 Feb. 2022
    A brilliant play that gives a tour of how the horrific colors the mundane. And on top of that, it's absolutely hilarious!
  • To Saints and Stars
    10 Oct. 2021
    A beautiful, smart, and moving piece that highlights the adventure in both exploring the solar system and building a family. Though the play contains profound insights into friendship, faith, science, and climate crisis, it moves seamlessly from scene to scene and makes for a compelling read. If you don't read this play, you're missing out on a fantastic experience!
  • Be Not Forgetful
    21 Jul. 2021
    Hoida's "Be Not Forgetful" reads quick but sticks with you. It is rich with playful dialogue and serious themes, a celebration of what people can become when able to choose what to do with their body. This play is a masterful blending of religious allusions, medical dilemmas, and dark comedy.
  • It's a Small World (or The Robot Play)
    21 Jul. 2021
    Sometimes in life, you have to decide between plays about A.I., the grief of losing a child, drug addiction, lesbian life, computer-generated poetry, and aquatic animatronics. But you deserve to have it all, and Palmer delivers with this profound and quirky road trip play. You've come to the right place for clever quips and for a story about our attempts to fix other people, be there for others, and fill the void left by departed loved ones.
  • [cowboy face]
    21 Jul. 2021
    A delightfully disturbing satire of tech start-up culture. Each character has a unique, layered philosophy which propels them to absurdity under extreme circumstances. Also, Wien has made actual websites in the world of the play for the audience to visit during the show! From the stage to the internet, this play delivers laughs and thoughtful explorations on what authenticity means in the digital age.
  • The Corgi and the Pitbull
    4 Apr. 2021
    McKenna has written a charming and poignant piece that brings its canine characters to life. This play is a thoroughly enjoyable read that amusingly portrays dog personalities while exploring friendship after trauma.
