Recommended by Bernardo Cubría

  • Bernardo Cubría: Unconditional Love 2.0

    A deeply thought provoking play that asks difficult questions about humanity and our rapidly advancing technology. This play also has some really wonderful and innovative use of audience interaction that I find thrilling. Produce this play!

    A deeply thought provoking play that asks difficult questions about humanity and our rapidly advancing technology. This play also has some really wonderful and innovative use of audience interaction that I find thrilling. Produce this play!

  • Bernardo Cubría: There and Back

    A beautiful play that follows the life of a migrant worker over three generations. Powerful and heartfelt. Love the evolutions of the lead character and the honesty about what we give up when we leave our countries.

    A beautiful play that follows the life of a migrant worker over three generations. Powerful and heartfelt. Love the evolutions of the lead character and the honesty about what we give up when we leave our countries.

  • Bernardo Cubría: A Play about David Mamet Writing a Play about Harvey Weinstein

    How in god's name has this play not been produced?! So so funny and moving. I want more plays like this please.

    How in god's name has this play not been produced?! So so funny and moving. I want more plays like this please.

  • Bernardo Cubría: How It's Gon' Be

    A beautiful play about family and about the words we choose to say to one another and the ones we don't. I want this play done all over the country. This is exactly the kind of play the American Theatre purports to want to produce in its mission statements... so step up. This is a great american play.

    A beautiful play about family and about the words we choose to say to one another and the ones we don't. I want this play done all over the country. This is exactly the kind of play the American Theatre purports to want to produce in its mission statements... so step up. This is a great american play.

  • Bernardo Cubría: Revenge Porn or the Story of a Body

    One of the best plays of the last 10 years. This play is about very nuanced people who are learning to forgive and understand a terrible act taken by someone they love. This play is never what you expect it to be and keep surprising you at every turn, should be done all over the country.

    One of the best plays of the last 10 years. This play is about very nuanced people who are learning to forgive and understand a terrible act taken by someone they love. This play is never what you expect it to be and keep surprising you at every turn, should be done all over the country.

  • Bernardo Cubría: The Caregiver's Guide

    Jami Brandli is #playwrightgoals. This play is so funny and then punches you in the gut hard. If you have ever dealt with Alzheimer's in any personal way prepare to cry and laugh a lot. Love this family play and hope all you fools produce it soon

    Jami Brandli is #playwrightgoals. This play is so funny and then punches you in the gut hard. If you have ever dealt with Alzheimer's in any personal way prepare to cry and laugh a lot. Love this family play and hope all you fools produce it soon

  • Bernardo Cubría: LADYVILLE

    Aja Houston doesn't write four people in a living room talking about "issues" She is a world builder. She writes plays that are meant for the stage. This play is a wonderful metaphor. It also gets to the core of the human condition while saying so much about our present. I hope more plays like this get done more often! Read and produce this play please!

    Aja Houston doesn't write four people in a living room talking about "issues" She is a world builder. She writes plays that are meant for the stage. This play is a wonderful metaphor. It also gets to the core of the human condition while saying so much about our present. I hope more plays like this get done more often! Read and produce this play please!

  • Bernardo Cubría: Here Comes The Night

    A wonderful two hander that is much more a story about friendship than it is an "issue play."It tackles friendship in the age of social media with humor and heart. I love this play and it has one of the most beautiful quiet scenes in theatre. Think this play should be done all over the country.

    A wonderful two hander that is much more a story about friendship than it is an "issue play."It tackles friendship in the age of social media with humor and heart. I love this play and it has one of the most beautiful quiet scenes in theatre. Think this play should be done all over the country.

  • Bernardo Cubría: THIRD PERSON

    What can I say: this play both moved me to tears and also made me so jealous of Jennifer's talent. There are few playwrights alive who write with such poetry and ease and grace. I mean the lap pool monologue alone should be taught in playwriting courses all around the world. This is a beautiful and honest play about relationships that offers way more insight than Love Letters. This is human condition stuff here. I love this piece and hope to see it on many stages around the country soon.

    What can I say: this play both moved me to tears and also made me so jealous of Jennifer's talent. There are few playwrights alive who write with such poetry and ease and grace. I mean the lap pool monologue alone should be taught in playwriting courses all around the world. This is a beautiful and honest play about relationships that offers way more insight than Love Letters. This is human condition stuff here. I love this piece and hope to see it on many stages around the country soon.

  • Bernardo Cubría: Sunrise Coven

    This is such a wonderful piece. It starts off very slice of life in a small town in Texas and then is overtaken by magic. A story about how we need community and something to believe in and the power of all that. I hope to see this play and it's magic on a stage soon!

    This is such a wonderful piece. It starts off very slice of life in a small town in Texas and then is overtaken by magic. A story about how we need community and something to believe in and the power of all that. I hope to see this play and it's magic on a stage soon!