Rosemary FrisinoToohey

Rosemary FrisinoToohey

Produced on 4 continents, Rosemary FrisinoToohey has had more than 400 productions of her plays around the world. A dozen of her comedies are published and her dramas have been honored with Artist grants from the Maryland State Arts Council. In London she was Audience Favorite in the British Theatre Challenge, in New York she won the Next Generation Playwriting Contest and in Chicago she tied as Gold Medal...
Produced on 4 continents, Rosemary FrisinoToohey has had more than 400 productions of her plays around the world. A dozen of her comedies are published and her dramas have been honored with Artist grants from the Maryland State Arts Council. In London she was Audience Favorite in the British Theatre Challenge, in New York she won the Next Generation Playwriting Contest and in Chicago she tied as Gold Medal Winner in the Italian American Theatre of Chicago’s First Playwright Competition. Her screenplay was published in the Artemis Arts Anthology, and she’s won the Baltimore Playwrights Festival three times. A proud member of The Dramatists Guild of America, FrisinoToohey, a retired broadcaster, also holds long-standing membership in SAG/AFTRA. There's more at


  • One Little Hormone
    It's sixty years in the future and a top-secret experimental team has come up with a way to end violence in the USA. But there's an would mean eliminating a critical hormone in forty-nine percent of the population.

    "In this perfectly timed flipping of the script on bodily autonomy, Rosemary FrisinoToohey crafts a poignantly sobering message." Fleas On The Dog Drama Editor Ezra Neighbors
  • The Garbageman
    What's it like to be a garbageman? If people turn up their noses at his career choice, Larry can live with it. But when he finds more than trash in a trash bag, his world goes crazy and there's no one to turn to...

    "Toohey has a solid grasp of naturalistic dialogue...what she says about coping with grief rings true and makes Larry’s final monologue both credible and welcome. ” Judy Rousuck, WYPR Radio
  • THEY
    The scene is a supermarket where college kids are doing a survey. The subject? Race in America.

    "Writing dynamic monologues…takes a special skill and Frisino Toohey nails it. The characters in her play speak like real people, and we get caught up in the conversation. Five Stars." Janet Colson, drama editor, Fleas On The Dog
  • Academy Blues
    Abby just wanted some fun after a tough exam, but did things go too far when she had a few drinks? And if she rats on the guy, will it end up hurting her more than him? Her two best friends are there to help….and both have been down this road.
  • Under The Poplar Trees
    Two prisoners become friends despite their differences. Years later, one has moved on to a new life while the other enjoys his own personal paradise. But the connection between the two remains unbroken because something remains unsaid, undone. It takes a new loss for the survivor to find peace. calls it “a startling gem…a masterpiece with vision.”

    The Bad Oracle...
    Two prisoners become friends despite their differences. Years later, one has moved on to a new life while the other enjoys his own personal paradise. But the connection between the two remains unbroken because something remains unsaid, undone. It takes a new loss for the survivor to find peace. calls it “a startling gem…a masterpiece with vision.”

    The Bad Oracle says “…it approaches the tragic subject of the Holocaust with delicacy and unnerving grace…the themes hum and resonate like a tuning fork to your heart.”
  • En El Tanque
    ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY...that's how many times this one-act has been produced around the world.

    ¿Cómo será ser observado por humanos hambrientos? ¿O elegido para convertirte en la cena de alguien? Esa es la situación de Harry y Stu (o Liz y Angela), dos langostas que se encuentran en el tanque de un restaurante de mariscos.
  • SOCKS - Left Behind
    Rejection and hope in the confines of a clothes dryer. Three socks and a leg warmer debate their plight.

    Produced on 4 continents...apparently, almost everybody wears socks!

    "[Socks] supplies a delightfully silly answer to one of the great questions of our time: What happens to lost socks?" J. Wynn Rousuck, The Sun.
  • Lust Amid The Strawberries
    It’s a dull day at the greengrocers and then, SHE walks in...
    and the imagination of a humble grocery clerk goes into overdrive.
    Two narrators spell out the white-hot heat of his innermost thoughts.
  • Judy And The General, musical
    Against all odds, a woman outsmarts and destroys a powerful man.
    It’s a flip, funny, tuneful take on a story from the best selling book of all time, replete with love, death, sex and violence.

    Backstage Baltimore calls it "a fun, lighthearted take on an epic biblical story that is not well known...the subject matter is relevant and serious but FrisinoToohey manages to make it...
    Against all odds, a woman outsmarts and destroys a powerful man.
    It’s a flip, funny, tuneful take on a story from the best selling book of all time, replete with love, death, sex and violence.

    Backstage Baltimore calls it "a fun, lighthearted take on an epic biblical story that is not well known...the subject matter is relevant and serious but FrisinoToohey manages to make it accessible with a witty, humorous, and well-structured script."
  • The Ice Cream King
    Lou is a wounded vet who runs an ice-cream shop in an old neighborhood. Back from Afghanistan a few years, he’s struggling to get his life on track. He goes out with girls, but all they want to talk about is his prosthetic arm. It’s New Year’s Eve but the only thing he’s got going is waiting for the repairman to show up and fix a broken freezer. Then, a troubled young woman walks in. She’s touchy and a little...
    Lou is a wounded vet who runs an ice-cream shop in an old neighborhood. Back from Afghanistan a few years, he’s struggling to get his life on track. He goes out with girls, but all they want to talk about is his prosthetic arm. It’s New Year’s Eve but the only thing he’s got going is waiting for the repairman to show up and fix a broken freezer. Then, a troubled young woman walks in. She’s touchy and a little strange but over a tuna sandwich, two wounded people connect. Lou learns that she’s not great at choosing men, and the one she married is running around on her. But she’s determined to go back to him because she refuses to consider divorce. Has Lou got what it takes to change her mind?
  • The Body Washer
    Women in war. An Afghan has been killed at a checkpoint and her death is seen through the eyes of three other young women: the Islamic body washer who prepares her for burial, an American reporter, and the National Guard soldier who fired the fatal bullet.

    ReviewPlays.Com calls it: "a powerful piece of theatre that grabs you from the start."

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  • A Very Fowl Thanksgiving
    Thanksgiving with the family...what could be nicer? Except that this gathering looks nothing like the Norman Rockwell picture. Marital discord, bizarre funeral arrangements, vegan issues and a turkey that catches fire, all come into play. And for dessert? An environmental accident traps eleven people in a one-bedroom apartment.

    "Toohey has a knack for writing dialogue and crafting...
    Thanksgiving with the family...what could be nicer? Except that this gathering looks nothing like the Norman Rockwell picture. Marital discord, bizarre funeral arrangements, vegan issues and a turkey that catches fire, all come into play. And for dessert? An environmental accident traps eleven people in a one-bedroom apartment.

    "Toohey has a knack for writing dialogue and crafting situations that carry a ring of truth, laced with a generous helping of good-natured humor." Terry A. Frye, director, Punxsutawney Theatre Arts Guild
  • Grace Goes to Sea
    Harry hates the water. In fact, he’s deathly afraid of it. His wife grew up sailing, but she gave that up when they married. And then, she died. Harry misses her terribly. But, out of his loneliness, he develops a plan so she can go sailing. All he has to do is get up the courage to get on a sailboat and take her out.
  • Fish From Heaven
    In a small village in Honduras following a torrential rain, sometimes, a field will be covered with silver fish. The people relish the chance to eat something other than their staple diet of rice and beans. But in the house of Esteban and Lucia, there are different views on the portent of this gift from the skies.
  • Tilapia
    Deserted by two younger couples who had been their dinner guests, an aristocratic older couple savor a meal. We hear of broken chairs, a smashed piano, a nasty fall into the baked Alaska. Apparently, there was some sort of row among the young people and then, the “he” of one couple went off with the “she” of the other. But what did it all mean?
    Can love survive when one partner is struck with debilitating disease? Fencing was once Laura's passion, but now the only matches she can win are the nightly verbal battles with her husband.

    The Baltimore Sun says, "What's most intriguing about Cornered is the way it defies preconceptions...Love, like life, can thrust and parry in unexpected directions. And victory isn't...
    Can love survive when one partner is struck with debilitating disease? Fencing was once Laura's passion, but now the only matches she can win are the nightly verbal battles with her husband.

    The Baltimore Sun says, "What's most intriguing about Cornered is the way it defies preconceptions...Love, like life, can thrust and parry in unexpected directions. And victory isn't always a joyous affair."

  • SHARDS, The Aftermath Of Violence
    It’s a rainy Monday morning in a noisy high school hallway. Four teenagers are venting about classes, parents, and the opposite sex when a gunman opens fire. In seconds, adolescent angst turns to tragedy and frantic parents are facing their worst nightmare.

    The Baltimore SUN calls it...carefully crafted and elegantly written with a reasoned tone that eschews sensationalism.

    It’s a rainy Monday morning in a noisy high school hallway. Four teenagers are venting about classes, parents, and the opposite sex when a gunman opens fire. In seconds, adolescent angst turns to tragedy and frantic parents are facing their worst nightmare.

    The Baltimore SUN calls it...carefully crafted and elegantly written with a reasoned tone that eschews sensationalism.

    SHARDS was originally titled School Shooter.
  • Passaggio Oscuro - Dark Passage
    Passaggio Oscuro – Dark Passage spotlights three immigrants at a critical time in U.S. history… the forced internment of Italians during World War II. Mario is a sardine fisherman in California, but in the panic after Pearl Harbor, his boat is seized by the government and he’s sent to an internment camp in Montana, despite the fact that he’s neither arrested nor convicted of any crime. Sergio, a US citizen, is...
    Passaggio Oscuro – Dark Passage spotlights three immigrants at a critical time in U.S. history… the forced internment of Italians during World War II. Mario is a sardine fisherman in California, but in the panic after Pearl Harbor, his boat is seized by the government and he’s sent to an internment camp in Montana, despite the fact that he’s neither arrested nor convicted of any crime. Sergio, a US citizen, is the editor of an Italian language newspaper, but under FDR’s Order 9066, his citizenship papers are worthless, and he, too, is interned. Maria has taught her native language to children for many years, but she never sought citizenship, so when America ends up in the war, she is ordered to move miles away from her home. With the surrender of Italy to the Allies, the internment comes to an end…but not without cost. Sergio comes home a sick, broken man, unable to provide for his family. Mario struggles to buy a new boat, but the sardine catch has dropped dramatically from what it was before the war. Maria returns to her old neighborhood but not her old apartment, and the Italian classes she taught? Maybe it’s best to let that go. Indeed, the entire Italian-American community has been taught a harsh lesson. “Blending in” becomes the new way to navigate. And thus, much of Italian culture is lost.
  • Gladys In Wonderland
    "You get up one day, eat a donut, read the paper, and some clown in a Good Humor suit says you're going to die..." That's the dilemma facing Gladys, a slightly unhinged eighty-some-year-old who fills her days eating sweets and reading the obituary column. And despite the arrival of a sharp dresser in a white suit who claims to be her angel of death, the feisty Gladys refuses to depart.
  • The A Word
    Any country, any season, any century, most women between 14 and 44 are either trying to have a baby or trying not to have a baby. The A Word looks at 4 women in 4 different decades considering abortion: a black woman, pre-Roe v. Wade, struggling to make a name for herself, the wife of a wealthy businessman in India, a happily married mom who's told her unborn baby has big problems, and a high school senior on opioids.
  • Animal Instincts
    Incest is the subject of this highly-charged drama. When her son flunks out of college and decides to follow in his dad's footsteps and work the family farm, a mother resorts to desperate measures. On a hot night in June, she reveals an ugly secret that shatters all family bonds.
  • Smoke In The Canyon
    It’s mid-June when Cookie arrives in Silverton, Colorado for a summer job with a small theatre group. But it’s not long before she realizes that what happens onstage is nowhere near as dramatic as what goes on behind the scenes. Everyone’s hungry for something at the Last Chance Café…whether it’s true love, financial good fortune, or just megawatt fame. There’s Dinah, a girl far too generous with her favors,...
    It’s mid-June when Cookie arrives in Silverton, Colorado for a summer job with a small theatre group. But it’s not long before she realizes that what happens onstage is nowhere near as dramatic as what goes on behind the scenes. Everyone’s hungry for something at the Last Chance Café…whether it’s true love, financial good fortune, or just megawatt fame. There’s Dinah, a girl far too generous with her favors, Jean, trying to re-ignite last summer’s love affair and Shelly, the ambitious runner-up in the Miss Snake Day contest. The place is run by a womanizing scrooge named Joe Johnson who’s always just a step ahead of his creditors. As the end of summer approaches, Joe’s bill collectors become more demanding and he decides to solve his financial problems with a proposal of marriage. He chooses one of the girls in the group---the one whose daddy happens to be hip-deep in oil. A Labor Day wedding is set but Will, the mild-mannered bartender with a skeleton in his closet, unexpectedly throws a hitch into the proceedings. Even more startling, Joe’s mother walks in the door and reveals that one of his employees is actually the daughter he never knew he had. Neither dad nor daughter is thrilled by this revelation, but in the end, surprisingly, bloodlines do prompt unexpected urges.