Melissa Moschitto

Melissa Moschitto (she/her) is a director, playwright and producer advancing the form of research-based investigative theatre. She is the Founding Artistic Director of The Anthropologists, a theatre company dedicated to the creation of devised theatre that inspires action. Her dynamic, kinetic work has been seen at HERE, The New Ohio, Dixon Place, and she has been an artist-in-residence at Abrons Arts Center. Favorite projects with The Anthropologists include the 2021 World Premiere of No Pants In Tucson for which she received a 2020 NYC Women’s Fund Grant ("charismatic, endearing, and raw."- Culture Catch) as well as Artemisia’s Intent (Winner of Best Solo Drama, Frigid 2018), No Man’s Land (''Perhaps it’s exactly what theatremakers need to see right now,” Theater Is Easy) and Give Us...

Melissa Moschitto (she/her) is a director, playwright and producer advancing the form of research-based investigative theatre. She is the Founding Artistic Director of The Anthropologists, a theatre company dedicated to the creation of devised theatre that inspires action. Her dynamic, kinetic work has been seen at HERE, The New Ohio, Dixon Place, and she has been an artist-in-residence at Abrons Arts Center. Favorite projects with The Anthropologists include the 2021 World Premiere of No Pants In Tucson for which she received a 2020 NYC Women’s Fund Grant ("charismatic, endearing, and raw."- Culture Catch) as well as Artemisia’s Intent (Winner of Best Solo Drama, Frigid 2018), No Man’s Land (''Perhaps it’s exactly what theatremakers need to see right now,” Theater Is Easy) and Give Us Bread (“thoroughly entertaining and thought-provoking” by Melissa cut her teeth in the physical theatre world as a directing apprentice to Ricardo Iniesta, director of Compania Atalaya in Sevilla, Spain, where she assisted with the World Premiere of Medea, La ​E​xtranjera (2004). She later trained with the Laban/Bartenieff Institute for Movement Studies, Liz Lerman’s Dance Exchange, SITI Company, the La Mama Umbria International Directors Symposium and most recently with the legendary Odin Teatret in Denmark. She has led devising workshops for Hofstra University, University of Vermont, University of Massachusetts at Amherst and University of Evansville. Melissa holds a B.A. in Theater from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is married to an engineer-slash-secret-dramaturg and the mother of two dramatic children. She resides and works in Upper Manhattan on the ancestral land of the Lenape.


Baked Goods

by Melissa Moschitto


A search for a missed connection. A bizarre natural disaster involving cookies. A viral marketing plan. Unconventional approaches to therapy. Whose to say what we're really doing in a coffee shop? It really all comes down to baked goods. A short play for one actor.

A search for a missed connection. A bizarre natural disaster involving cookies. A viral marketing plan. Unconventional approaches to therapy. Whose to say what we're really doing in a coffee shop? It really all comes down to baked goods. A short play for one actor.

The Understudies

by Melissa Moschitto


Two pre-teens are in perpetual rehearsal for their understudy roles, trying to grow up and waiting for their opportunity to shine.

The Understudies as an exploration of the determination and perseverance needed to create a life in the arts. It's also a window into the lives of two young women who were forced, in different ways, to grow up far faster than their peers, to quite different effects.

Two pre-teens are in perpetual rehearsal for their understudy roles, trying to grow up and waiting for their opportunity to shine.

The Understudies as an exploration of the determination and perseverance needed to create a life in the arts. It's also a window into the lives of two young women who were forced, in different ways, to grow up far faster than their peers, to quite different effects.