Recommended by Bill Savage

    24 Mar. 2022
    What is cool about this short monologue is the way Vivian Lermond writes from the point of view of a kid who sees the bully taken down. Many years ago, I experienced something like that -- alas, no Tilly or taekwondo involved. But it's cool to see the third-person description of it -- and in a kids' voice, no less.
  • Getting Better
    24 Mar. 2022
    I read "Getting Better" and immediately came away with the obvious question: Is Alice an angel? It's interesting because I like that sort of "Twilight Zone" approach, and have used it on occasion myself. Of course, this play deftly touches a fine line because, yes, faith does play a role in healing, but we don't always know what the "end game" for disease or whatever is. The play also cleverly explores the unnecessary current schism between faith and science, a schism that is sad because the two have more in common than most people think.
  • Hanky Panky
    25 Feb. 2022
    A very interesting look at the family dynamic at the most vulnerable of moments. The characters might not be the most likeable bunch at times -- each one has a moment or two when you want to grab and choke them. But you can see where they are all coming from and want to pull for them to be, well, nicer to each other. An interesting concoction of past and present, spiritual and graphic.
