Recommended by Steven Strafford

  • This is How you Got Me Naked or My Sexy Fairytale
    10 Nov. 2020
    If you want to drop into another world, a world where getting to have sex with that hot boy at the party is the be all and end all, stop into this world of kids who want to have sex and make art, and they're all out of art... Catherine Weingarten has built a world with a language all its own that lives deep in the awkward place between childhood and adult life.
  • A Godawful Small Affair
    10 Oct. 2020
    St. James sets us on a journey which is at once fantastic and mundane. Queer people (and one queer alien god) seek connection to themselves, each other, and to the concept of time itself. It's a sweet trip into the lives of young, queer New Yorkers today.
  • Principal Principle
    3 Aug. 2020
    To keep things so funny and on-point, it's to be admired. Loved this play!!
  • Following
    3 Jun. 2020
    Ben F Locke's play is perfect for our times. Smart, fun, quick-paced, and telling a story about exploring the motivations of allyship! His plays should be produced!
  • Escape Velocity
    25 May. 2020
    With an easy sense of dialogue and finding the comedy in romantic and sexual tensions, Hillis tells a detailed story not only of two couples but of a western culture that is always torn between two ways of thinking about sex. Highly recommend.
  • Monica: This Play Is Not About Monica Lewinsky
    22 Apr. 2020
    Through tight and often very funny dialogue, Monica is a play I wanted to stay in for as long as possible. To explore feminism through the prism of the most intimate moments makes for an exciting read. I really hope I get to see this play up on its feet one day. It's a tremendous read, and I'm sure would be a tremendous production.
  • You Have Earned Bonus Stars
    20 Apr. 2020
    I think what I love most about this play is its arguments for the complexity of each of us. Equal parts drama and comedy, I found myself gripped by the plot and moved by the characters. As an actor, I would love to get to say words like these, so full of humor and heart in the face of deep external and internal conflict. This is the sort of play that theatre-going audiences could find themselves, asking where they fall on the continuum of good and evil.
  • BUZZ
    17 Apr. 2020
    Susan Ferrara's play shows what happens when you balance respect for form and respect for breaking form in equal measure. Telling a story that deserves telling, Buzz should be performed in every theater across the country because it holds the very institution of theater to task for what it has been, and more importantly, what it could and should be.
