Recommended by Francis RTM Boyle

    22 Oct. 2018
    I know this person. We all do. Asher's got it right, this is the world's worst theatergoer. It seems a modernized take of Christopher Sly from the too-often cut induction of Taming of the Shrew. This acerbic, brashy, ballsy hypocrite has been to every show imaginable. They know the rules by now, or darn well should.

    I'm going to send this to some of the strongest actors I know, ones who can pull it off. It will take a certain strength and dexterity to play a person this annoying. Congrats to Asher for one hell of a monologue. Again.
  • Vamping
    22 Oct. 2018
    "Theda just oozes like sex poison..." such a wonderful line. Young Lola, off to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, delivers her report on the legendary Theda Bara is an expert mixture of wit, insight, and the occasional non sequitur.

    We all know Lola, we went to school with her, or we were a gender-swapped version. Her love for Bara is summed up perfectly here: "I know I’m funny looking, I hear it enough from my mom and from the idiots in the quad. She was funny looking and people worshiped her." Amen, Lola.
    19 Oct. 2018
    Such a hilarious look at the insecurities of a chilly Fuck Buddy. Asher Wyndham shows us a world where two people who are cold and lonely try to claw at each other in search of... something.

    This would be an incredible audition piece for the right play, and would be fantastic as a showcase. There is a great deal to play with. Enjoy!
    11 Oct. 2018
    Asher Wyndham presents a de-evolving husband as he proudly pronounces his completion of the chores for the week. What follows is a hilarious and challenging slide from "mature" manhood down to a petulant child. A great piece with wonderful acting moments. A perfect choice for a strong and fearless comedic actor.
    7 Oct. 2018

    Wonder is Magical, inspired by Shakespearean greatness. Cross' command of Early Modern English phrasing completes the theatrical time travel. The relationship between Dee and the Automaton is reminiscent of Ariel and Prospero’s relationship.

    Clever and witty, this play is a marvelous invention. Monica Cross broke the idea to me years ago, "Shakespeare as a Robot," and I had no idea what to think. I read an earlier draft, a one act, and was excited. To see what has become from this is pure delight.
  • The Presidency of William Henry Harrison in Real Time: A 10 Minute Play
    25 Jun. 2018
    The burden of insignificance is tough. It is even tougher when you're being judged by a snippy worker who seems to be an intern only interested in doing their job. The heart of this delightful comedy begs the question: how do we judge a person's significance, whether in office or in life?

    Look out, James Garfield.
  • Little Moscow
    2 Jun. 2018
    Another immersive play from Aleks Merilo. From the moment the aging tailor begins speaking, we are made audience to a powerful tale about the lasting echoes of hatred.

    In this play lives the spirit of advice found in the Epistle to the Hebrews, "Let brotherly love be firmly established among you; and do not forget to show hospitality; in doing this, men have before now entertained angels unawares."
  • To Mr. Wilson, c/o Shapiro & Gold
    2 Jun. 2018
    A wonderful spiraling tale about the power of obsessions and how the innocuous can become anything but. Disturbing and powerful.
  • In The Upper Room
    1 Jun. 2018
    I agree with all the previous recommendations, and here's my 2 cents:

    In The Upper Room is a window into a family with three generations worth of intricacies. "Long Day's Journey Into Night" cubed. I am still unpacking the layers. It is an awesome work, in the original, "awe-filled" meaning of the word. My love for this play cannot be overstated: it has reminded me what plays can be and is a call, a dare to up my own game. This play does not simply lie on the page, it lives!

  • Open Meeting Closed
    30 Mar. 2018
    Open Meeting Closed has a hilarious situation and distinct characters. This ill-timed, ill-fated intervention rounds the comedic bases with biting insults, slapstick, gunplay, and the carrying of an unconscious person. The play has a great deal of promise and I hope to see it soon.
