Recommendations of Pre-War

  • Jillian Blevins: Pre-War

    PRE-WAR exemplifies a fundamental truth about human connection: though the specifics of our individual experiences are endlessly varied, joy and heartache and grief are universal. This powerful scene between two women with seemingly nothing in common (aside from their apartment building) underscores the ways we’re all linked, and reminds us to get to know our neighbors.

    PRE-WAR exemplifies a fundamental truth about human connection: though the specifics of our individual experiences are endlessly varied, joy and heartache and grief are universal. This powerful scene between two women with seemingly nothing in common (aside from their apartment building) underscores the ways we’re all linked, and reminds us to get to know our neighbors.

  • Robert J. LeBlanc: Pre-War

    PRE-WAR handles trauma and loss with a beautiful equity between parties. This show, that I had the privilege of seeing performed as a part of More Real Life Stories in Newburyport, MA, handles the balance of comedy and grief perfectly. It is a touching, heartfelt story of two women's challenge with overcoming grief that possesses honestly laugh out loud moments. There is a truth to this show.

    PRE-WAR handles trauma and loss with a beautiful equity between parties. This show, that I had the privilege of seeing performed as a part of More Real Life Stories in Newburyport, MA, handles the balance of comedy and grief perfectly. It is a touching, heartfelt story of two women's challenge with overcoming grief that possesses honestly laugh out loud moments. There is a truth to this show.

  • Scott Sickles: Pre-War

    I have a basic philosophy about healing and suffering. The examples change but it’s basically, “Your apocalypse doens’t make my paper cut hurt less.” People who’ve endured hardship in the past often push their resilience onto those enduring present pain. We can’t foist our paneceas on other people’s wounds.


    We can pass along our experiences and encourage the best.

    PRE-WAR presents two survivors. O’Grady sheds just enough light on thier lives to inspire them to share more with each other, showing how history and simple gestures can heal great wounds.

    I have a basic philosophy about healing and suffering. The examples change but it’s basically, “Your apocalypse doens’t make my paper cut hurt less.” People who’ve endured hardship in the past often push their resilience onto those enduring present pain. We can’t foist our paneceas on other people’s wounds.


    We can pass along our experiences and encourage the best.

    PRE-WAR presents two survivors. O’Grady sheds just enough light on thier lives to inspire them to share more with each other, showing how history and simple gestures can heal great wounds.

  • James McLindon: Pre-War

    A delicate, beautiful play that slowly unfolds as two women, separated by background and age, learn how much they have in common, and how they can help each other.

    A delicate, beautiful play that slowly unfolds as two women, separated by background and age, learn how much they have in common, and how they can help each other.

  • Morey Norkin: Pre-War

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. For Elena, the journey outside her apartment and back into life is overwhelming since suffering a tragic loss. A hallway encounter with her neighbor could be the key to opening new doors. Jennifer O’Grady has beautifully crafted this tender story of loss and trauma and, ultimately, hope. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to see this in September 2023 as presented by PlayZoomers.

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. For Elena, the journey outside her apartment and back into life is overwhelming since suffering a tragic loss. A hallway encounter with her neighbor could be the key to opening new doors. Jennifer O’Grady has beautifully crafted this tender story of loss and trauma and, ultimately, hope. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to see this in September 2023 as presented by PlayZoomers.

  • Charlotte Dougherty: Pre-War

    Lovely story, dialogue is simple and powerful. Highly recommend.

    Lovely story, dialogue is simple and powerful. Highly recommend.

  • Arianna Rose: Pre-War

    A stunningly gorgeous short play about love, loss, and limes. Playwright Jennifer O'Grady creates characters of wonderful breadth and matter-of-factness. So much is revealed in just nine pages. I wanted to join Elena and Clara on their foray, or at least be a voyeur on their path to healing. A must-read.

    A stunningly gorgeous short play about love, loss, and limes. Playwright Jennifer O'Grady creates characters of wonderful breadth and matter-of-factness. So much is revealed in just nine pages. I wanted to join Elena and Clara on their foray, or at least be a voyeur on their path to healing. A must-read.

  • Mark V Jones: Pre-War

    Very warm, touching story about two women 31 and 79 respectively who have dealt with loss. The younger of the two is still coming to terms with her grief. The simplistically of the older woman’s words and wisdom really helps with the pacing of this heart tugging story. I loved it!

    Very warm, touching story about two women 31 and 79 respectively who have dealt with loss. The younger of the two is still coming to terms with her grief. The simplistically of the older woman’s words and wisdom really helps with the pacing of this heart tugging story. I loved it!

  • Cheryl Bear: Pre-War

    How I love, the human shared experience and commonality brought to life with sheer beauty. Life is so much better when we're in this together. Fantastic work!

    How I love, the human shared experience and commonality brought to life with sheer beauty. Life is so much better when we're in this together. Fantastic work!

  • Cameron Houg: Pre-War

    A short but sweet play about grief, sorrow, and the importance of going on when all seems lost. These characters are filled with a depth that can hardly be contained in a few short pages. Great work!

    A short but sweet play about grief, sorrow, and the importance of going on when all seems lost. These characters are filled with a depth that can hardly be contained in a few short pages. Great work!