Recommendations of Grown-Ass Louis

  • Cydney M. Bray: Grown-Ass Louis

    This play was very enjoyable to read. Every character had a specific purpose for the protagonist which made the transitions of scenes flow really nicely. This play really shows how hard it is to let go of someone you once cared so deeply for. I would definitely love to see this play live!

    This play was very enjoyable to read. Every character had a specific purpose for the protagonist which made the transitions of scenes flow really nicely. This play really shows how hard it is to let go of someone you once cared so deeply for. I would definitely love to see this play live!

  • John Bavoso: Grown-Ass Louis

    This play is such a shining example of how much emotion and storytelling can be packed into a 10-minute play without it ever feeling overstuffed. A gorgeous, dreamy, and intelligent study of grief and growing up—and how complicated things can become when those two processes are intertwined. I hope to see it in performance one day, but it's also a great example for those just starting out with writing short plays or those who want an example of a really good one!

    This play is such a shining example of how much emotion and storytelling can be packed into a 10-minute play without it ever feeling overstuffed. A gorgeous, dreamy, and intelligent study of grief and growing up—and how complicated things can become when those two processes are intertwined. I hope to see it in performance one day, but it's also a great example for those just starting out with writing short plays or those who want an example of a really good one!

  • Daphne Curran: Grown-Ass Louis

    I really enjoyed reading this 10 minute play. It was a touching read and made me feel for Louis; I can only imagine how I'd enjoy watching it performed live.

    I really enjoyed reading this 10 minute play. It was a touching read and made me feel for Louis; I can only imagine how I'd enjoy watching it performed live.

  • TJ Young: Grown-Ass Louis

    It has been years since I saw this play. And I think about it often. A fantastic look at loss and letting go, this is a short play that hits you in a way that rings true for those of us who have experienced loss at a young age. This is funny, heartfelt, and amazingly smart. This is an example of the power that 10 min plays can have.

    It has been years since I saw this play. And I think about it often. A fantastic look at loss and letting go, this is a short play that hits you in a way that rings true for those of us who have experienced loss at a young age. This is funny, heartfelt, and amazingly smart. This is an example of the power that 10 min plays can have.

  • Len Cuthbert: Grown-Ass Louis

    A very heartwarming, visually appealing play. A great and wonderful concept.

    A very heartwarming, visually appealing play. A great and wonderful concept.

  • Greg Vovos: Grown-Ass Louis

    This play is everything perfect and wonderful about the 10-minute play format and theatre in general. In case it's not obvious, I love it.

    This play is everything perfect and wonderful about the 10-minute play format and theatre in general. In case it's not obvious, I love it.

  • Emma Goldman-Sherman: Grown-Ass Louis

    I feel just like Grown-Ass Louis all the time. My mother died when I was young, and it's unbearable to go on living further and further away from her death every moment of every day. And Grown-Ass Louis feels the same way as far as I can tell in this funny, mordant play - I don't think I've ever used that word before. It means biting and makes me think of Grown-Ass Louis's mother and her ass-cheek. I have to say I really like this play!

    I feel just like Grown-Ass Louis all the time. My mother died when I was young, and it's unbearable to go on living further and further away from her death every moment of every day. And Grown-Ass Louis feels the same way as far as I can tell in this funny, mordant play - I don't think I've ever used that word before. It means biting and makes me think of Grown-Ass Louis's mother and her ass-cheek. I have to say I really like this play!

  • Steven G. Martin: Grown-Ass Louis

    This is a play for all of us who have experienced loss. This is a play for all of us who have wondered and hoped, but never knew for certain. Emotionally touching, dream-like, funny, and full of images and visuals.

    This is a play for all of us who have experienced loss. This is a play for all of us who have wondered and hoped, but never knew for certain. Emotionally touching, dream-like, funny, and full of images and visuals.

  • Asher Wyndham: Grown-Ass Louis

    An unexpected comedy on mourning, equally funny and poignant. Some great challenges for costume and prop designers. A lot happens, plenty of surprises, color, poetry, heartache -- this would be a great addition to any short play festival.

    An unexpected comedy on mourning, equally funny and poignant. Some great challenges for costume and prop designers. A lot happens, plenty of surprises, color, poetry, heartache -- this would be a great addition to any short play festival.

  • Cheryl Bear: Grown-Ass Louis

    A funny and very moving play about the messages we hope our loved ones receive. No matter how old we get, we hope a part of their spirit can still hear us. Beautiful!

    A funny and very moving play about the messages we hope our loved ones receive. No matter how old we get, we hope a part of their spirit can still hear us. Beautiful!