Recommendations of Grown-Ass Louis

  • Faith Schoop: Grown-Ass Louis

    I enjoyed this play. I thought it was deep and dramatic with hints of humor here and there. I love that it takes place in a dream. That let's the imagination run and creates interesting situations for the main character.

    I enjoyed this play. I thought it was deep and dramatic with hints of humor here and there. I love that it takes place in a dream. That let's the imagination run and creates interesting situations for the main character.

  • Morgan Peterson: Grown-Ass Louis

    I really enjoyed this show. I think that it shows a man who is being pulled by his childhood need to send a message to his recently deceased father and all of the other people in the play are telling him that that is not possible. I think is a sweet story of a man being told to let go of his father but discounting everyone and continuing to hold onto him.

    I really enjoyed this show. I think that it shows a man who is being pulled by his childhood need to send a message to his recently deceased father and all of the other people in the play are telling him that that is not possible. I think is a sweet story of a man being told to let go of his father but discounting everyone and continuing to hold onto him.

  • Mallory Keeler: Grown-Ass Louis

    I really enjoyed this play. Firstly, I loved the unusual relationships throughout the play and also the jump in the age of Luis during the play. The jump showed his prolonged grief and how he was unable to grow up and live in reality. I also loved how the ending was written. It was so purposeful, honest, and vulnerable.

    I really enjoyed this play. Firstly, I loved the unusual relationships throughout the play and also the jump in the age of Luis during the play. The jump showed his prolonged grief and how he was unable to grow up and live in reality. I also loved how the ending was written. It was so purposeful, honest, and vulnerable.

  • Emily McClain: Grown-Ass Louis

    This is an aboslutely incredible play! Easily one of the best I have ever read. Walsh's ability to create a world that is evocative of dream-reality and grounded in authentic emotion is nothing short of brilliant. The visual imagination of the piece is genius, and the human connection with grieving is astonishing. I am in awe of the work. Read this play.

    This is an aboslutely incredible play! Easily one of the best I have ever read. Walsh's ability to create a world that is evocative of dream-reality and grounded in authentic emotion is nothing short of brilliant. The visual imagination of the piece is genius, and the human connection with grieving is astonishing. I am in awe of the work. Read this play.

  • Stephen Kaplan: Grown-Ass Louis

    One of the best ten-minute plays I've ever read. It astonishes me how much is packed into this tiny and beautiful piece that had me laughing, gasping, and gutted by the end. Wonderful.

    One of the best ten-minute plays I've ever read. It astonishes me how much is packed into this tiny and beautiful piece that had me laughing, gasping, and gutted by the end. Wonderful.

  • Michael Salmon: Grown-Ass Louis

    This is a really hecking good play! The depth of this script is unbelievable and it’s amazing how this play can touch you so much in only 10 minutes.

    This is a really hecking good play! The depth of this script is unbelievable and it’s amazing how this play can touch you so much in only 10 minutes.

  • Emma Goldman-Sherman: Grown-Ass Louis

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this PLAY! Grown-Ass Louis is someone we can all care deeply for! The language is great and the images just keep coming from the balloon with the manila card to the monogrammed robes to the dolphin, the images create the specificity that torments us into entering this world deeply and fully and therefore we have to feel. So there.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this PLAY! Grown-Ass Louis is someone we can all care deeply for! The language is great and the images just keep coming from the balloon with the manila card to the monogrammed robes to the dolphin, the images create the specificity that torments us into entering this world deeply and fully and therefore we have to feel. So there.

  • Claudia Haas: Grown-Ass Louis

    Grief comes in waves. Walsh explores how the passing of time only makes the remembrances more poignant. Part fable, part fantasy, Grown-Ass Louis gives the audience moments to process their losses. Everyone can connect to Louis. Everyone can smile at the adults trying to explain grief. Everyone is and knows Louis.

    Grief comes in waves. Walsh explores how the passing of time only makes the remembrances more poignant. Part fable, part fantasy, Grown-Ass Louis gives the audience moments to process their losses. Everyone can connect to Louis. Everyone can smile at the adults trying to explain grief. Everyone is and knows Louis.

  • Rachael Carnes: Grown-Ass Louis

    Grief's never really gone. This lovely play explores the loft we might still discover, even when darkness fall. Warm, funny, theatrical: It's a hug. We need those right now.

    Grief's never really gone. This lovely play explores the loft we might still discover, even when darkness fall. Warm, funny, theatrical: It's a hug. We need those right now.

  • Miranda DeVere: Grown-Ass Louis

    A beautifully written whimsical play about grief and how it follows you until you, too, are a grown ass man.

    A beautifully written whimsical play about grief and how it follows you until you, too, are a grown ass man.