Recommendations of Sock Puppet Fetish Noir

  • CK Brestman: Sock Puppet Fetish Noir

    Sock Puppet Fetish Noir is an absurdist twist on the film noir detective genre, and offers great opportunity for performers with character, physical, and visual humor. This show ain't playin' footsies, it's a real kick.

    Sock Puppet Fetish Noir is an absurdist twist on the film noir detective genre, and offers great opportunity for performers with character, physical, and visual humor. This show ain't playin' footsies, it's a real kick.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Sock Puppet Fetish Noir

    This short is the kind of play that I really wish I could see live. The physicality of the sock puppets adds an extra layer to the comedy, which is already rich and abundant! What a silly, silly play with a perfect ending. I love it!

    This short is the kind of play that I really wish I could see live. The physicality of the sock puppets adds an extra layer to the comedy, which is already rich and abundant! What a silly, silly play with a perfect ending. I love it!

  • Charles Scott Jones: Sock Puppet Fetish Noir

    Though SOCK PUPPET FETISH NOIR is grandly silly, and so much fun as farcical footsie noir - it also comes out of, I'm guessing, the universal aversion we all have for losing socks. And what is comedy when it doesn't come from real pain? (A friend accuses laundry driers of eating her socks because she would never lose one.) The detective genre banter between Jane and "Darrell" would be amazing fun to see performed. Perfect ending, and I love Melvin's "Do the thing" sign. I'm laughing now just thinking about it.

    Though SOCK PUPPET FETISH NOIR is grandly silly, and so much fun as farcical footsie noir - it also comes out of, I'm guessing, the universal aversion we all have for losing socks. And what is comedy when it doesn't come from real pain? (A friend accuses laundry driers of eating her socks because she would never lose one.) The detective genre banter between Jane and "Darrell" would be amazing fun to see performed. Perfect ending, and I love Melvin's "Do the thing" sign. I'm laughing now just thinking about it.

  • Emily McClain: Sock Puppet Fetish Noir

    A delightfully bizarre 10-minute play with a really satisfying ending. This would be absolutely hilarious to see staged!

    A delightfully bizarre 10-minute play with a really satisfying ending. This would be absolutely hilarious to see staged!

  • Maximillian Gill: Sock Puppet Fetish Noir

    The only regret I have after reading this is I didn't see it staged first, because I can just imagine how hilarious it would be in a live version. Like the best comic pieces, it takes a simple and brilliant premise and explores it for every comic angle. At a brisk ten minutes, the play jumps from one great gag to another, keeping us constantly hooked until the final capper. I've read a few of McBurnette-Andronicos's more dramatic pieces; after this one I'm convinced this playwright could write much anything and do it well.

    The only regret I have after reading this is I didn't see it staged first, because I can just imagine how hilarious it would be in a live version. Like the best comic pieces, it takes a simple and brilliant premise and explores it for every comic angle. At a brisk ten minutes, the play jumps from one great gag to another, keeping us constantly hooked until the final capper. I've read a few of McBurnette-Andronicos's more dramatic pieces; after this one I'm convinced this playwright could write much anything and do it well.

  • Lee R. Lawing: Sock Puppet Fetish Noir

    Another funny play by McBurnette-Andronicos with a twist that I never saw coming. Lots of laughs and an ending that is spot on!

    Another funny play by McBurnette-Andronicos with a twist that I never saw coming. Lots of laughs and an ending that is spot on!

  • Emily Battles: Sock Puppet Fetish Noir

    We read this piece in my play reading group "The WineBox Players." It was great fun! HIGHLY recommended! Thanks Kelly!

    We read this piece in my play reading group "The WineBox Players." It was great fun! HIGHLY recommended! Thanks Kelly!

  • DC Cathro: Sock Puppet Fetish Noir

    A ridiculous romp through the sock drawer of the psyche! Hilarious visuals and dialogue, ridiculous physical humor, and the perfect ending. Super fun!

    A ridiculous romp through the sock drawer of the psyche! Hilarious visuals and dialogue, ridiculous physical humor, and the perfect ending. Super fun!

  • Toby Malone: Sock Puppet Fetish Noir

    Ever wondered where your missing socks go when they vanish from the dryer? And ever wondered about whether investigating those missing socks through an elaborate role-playing kink involving detective noir sock puppets? Well, of course you haven't, which is what makes the angle Kelly McBurnette-Andronicos takes so refreshing and fun here. Visual humor cranked up to ten, puns everywhere, and a great closing line.

    Ever wondered where your missing socks go when they vanish from the dryer? And ever wondered about whether investigating those missing socks through an elaborate role-playing kink involving detective noir sock puppets? Well, of course you haven't, which is what makes the angle Kelly McBurnette-Andronicos takes so refreshing and fun here. Visual humor cranked up to ten, puns everywhere, and a great closing line.

  • Ashley Bourne: Sock Puppet Fetish Noir

    I love this play Sock Puppet Fetish Noir. This play is great I love that Darrell is a sock that is investigating missing socks and he is a sock. Jane's character is really serious about her missing socks and plays the game to communicate with him. I never saw a play with sock puppets that was so entertaining. This would be great to see live on stage. -Imani W.

    I love this play Sock Puppet Fetish Noir. This play is great I love that Darrell is a sock that is investigating missing socks and he is a sock. Jane's character is really serious about her missing socks and plays the game to communicate with him. I never saw a play with sock puppets that was so entertaining. This would be great to see live on stage. -Imani W.