Recommendations of Escobar's Hippo

  • Larry Rinkel: Escobar's Hippo

    The trickiest aspect of adaptation is deciding how much of the original the audience benefits by knowing, and how much the adaptation stands on its own. Here Franky Gonzalez has taken Ionesco's "Rhinoceros" and converted Bérenger, Daisy, Jean, and rhinos in France into Bernardo, Dalia, Juan, and hippos in Colombia. With a serving of arepas. It would take some side-by-side analysis to trace how Gonzalez plays with the original, but having not read the Ionesco in many years, I can affirm that this new version with its humor, excitement, and cunning dialogue more than stands on its own hippo-feet...

    The trickiest aspect of adaptation is deciding how much of the original the audience benefits by knowing, and how much the adaptation stands on its own. Here Franky Gonzalez has taken Ionesco's "Rhinoceros" and converted Bérenger, Daisy, Jean, and rhinos in France into Bernardo, Dalia, Juan, and hippos in Colombia. With a serving of arepas. It would take some side-by-side analysis to trace how Gonzalez plays with the original, but having not read the Ionesco in many years, I can affirm that this new version with its humor, excitement, and cunning dialogue more than stands on its own hippo-feet.

  • Molly Wagner: Escobar's Hippo

    I was not expecting to contemplate the fundamentals of human instinct while also reading about a literal poop fan, but here we are. This play is an absolute delight. I learned so much about humanity, society, and of course, hippos. I loved that we met our main characters with their flaws first and I got so excited every time the mayor and the townspeople showed up on the page. So good!

    I was not expecting to contemplate the fundamentals of human instinct while also reading about a literal poop fan, but here we are. This play is an absolute delight. I learned so much about humanity, society, and of course, hippos. I loved that we met our main characters with their flaws first and I got so excited every time the mayor and the townspeople showed up on the page. So good!

  • Doug DeVita: Escobar's Hippo

    Oh dear God, how I love this play! It's working on so many levels at once, from outrageous farce, to absurdist comedy, to dark morality tale, to... to... to..., and every single one lands with the force of the titular hippo. Wonderfully fresh, exciting and theatrical, if this is a work in progress, I can only imagine – with breathless anticipation – what higher levels Gonzalez will take this, as it's pretty damn well perfect already.

    Oh dear God, how I love this play! It's working on so many levels at once, from outrageous farce, to absurdist comedy, to dark morality tale, to... to... to..., and every single one lands with the force of the titular hippo. Wonderfully fresh, exciting and theatrical, if this is a work in progress, I can only imagine – with breathless anticipation – what higher levels Gonzalez will take this, as it's pretty damn well perfect already.

  • Lindsay Partain: Escobar's Hippo

    Fresh, hilarious, dark, and HUGE. Gonzalez packs his talents for pushing you off your chair in laughter and then kicking you in the gut with heavy doses of reality. Prepare to be stomped into the ground and covered with all that brown stuff as it hits the ugh...booty fan. "Escobar's Hippo" reminds us all that humanity is grotesque, viscous, and morbid--and the only thing separating us from becoming true animals.

    Fresh, hilarious, dark, and HUGE. Gonzalez packs his talents for pushing you off your chair in laughter and then kicking you in the gut with heavy doses of reality. Prepare to be stomped into the ground and covered with all that brown stuff as it hits the ugh...booty fan. "Escobar's Hippo" reminds us all that humanity is grotesque, viscous, and morbid--and the only thing separating us from becoming true animals.

  • Matthew Weaver: Escobar's Hippo

    An absurdist romp. And boy is it ever a ROMP!
    And, as we have come to expect from Franky Gonzalez, even at the heights of superbly realized satire, every single syllable, every nuance, comes laced with deep thoughtfulness and unique expression of ideas.
    And I haven't even gotten to the hippopotamus tracks that line some of the pages. Adorbs!
    I fully expect theatrical directors across the globe to be lining up to give their eyeteeth for the chance to work with this script. Somewhere, Stanley Kubrick rolls in his grave, lamenting that Gonzalez wrote this too late.
    A masterpiece.

    An absurdist romp. And boy is it ever a ROMP!
    And, as we have come to expect from Franky Gonzalez, even at the heights of superbly realized satire, every single syllable, every nuance, comes laced with deep thoughtfulness and unique expression of ideas.
    And I haven't even gotten to the hippopotamus tracks that line some of the pages. Adorbs!
    I fully expect theatrical directors across the globe to be lining up to give their eyeteeth for the chance to work with this script. Somewhere, Stanley Kubrick rolls in his grave, lamenting that Gonzalez wrote this too late.
    A masterpiece.