Recommendations of Indoor Cats

  • Alec Silberblatt: Indoor Cats

    This play is specific, funny, goofy, and heartbreaking. Mora has such a unique voice, and is able to make an audience laugh with one or two words. The dialogue is beautifully crafted, yet as messy as people talk. The magic in this play extends beyond the obvious and into the small human things we do for people we care about. This play encourages you to look forward at what an experience at the theater can be.

    This play is specific, funny, goofy, and heartbreaking. Mora has such a unique voice, and is able to make an audience laugh with one or two words. The dialogue is beautifully crafted, yet as messy as people talk. The magic in this play extends beyond the obvious and into the small human things we do for people we care about. This play encourages you to look forward at what an experience at the theater can be.