You ever get a sinking sensation in your chest when absolutely everything that should have gone right, goes wrong? Billy and Gene must feel a similar sensation thanks to everything Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend puts them through in "Heist!"
One of the neatest parts of this very funny comedy is that an audience feels sympathy for Billy and Gene. They're thieves, yes, but in a "Hey buddy, I've come up with a get-rich-quick scheme that'll have us on Easy Street" way. And their complete unpreparedness -- and moments of kind humanity -- is touching.
You ever get a sinking sensation in your chest when absolutely everything that should have gone right, goes wrong? Billy and Gene must feel a similar sensation thanks to everything Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend puts them through in "Heist!"
One of the neatest parts of this very funny comedy is that an audience feels sympathy for Billy and Gene. They're thieves, yes, but in a "Hey buddy, I've come up with a get-rich-quick scheme that'll have us on Easy Street" way. And their complete unpreparedness -- and moments of kind humanity -- is touching.