Recommendations of Cabana Boy

  • Vivian Lermond: Cabana Boy

    CABANA BOY is fast-paged, engaging storytelling with unique, believable characters, solid plot structure and a resolution that leaves us feeling happy and hopeful for Mitch and Ben.
    Williams carefully weaves comedic moments between conflict and tension, and the result is one gem of a play! This is a play that deserves production!

    CABANA BOY is fast-paged, engaging storytelling with unique, believable characters, solid plot structure and a resolution that leaves us feeling happy and hopeful for Mitch and Ben.
    Williams carefully weaves comedic moments between conflict and tension, and the result is one gem of a play! This is a play that deserves production!

  • Steven G. Martin: Cabana Boy

    "Cabana Boy" dramatizes bittersweet, heartbreaking personal growth catalyzed by very unusual circumstances. I felt strongly for Mitch and Alex, but understood Miriam's desire for practicality and protection. Audiences will enjoy these strongly drawn, fully dimensional characters whose desires and agendas that are often at odds with one another. And the sunny and playful setting provides a nice juxtaposition to the heavy personal growth in this play. I'd love to see a production.

    "Cabana Boy" dramatizes bittersweet, heartbreaking personal growth catalyzed by very unusual circumstances. I felt strongly for Mitch and Alex, but understood Miriam's desire for practicality and protection. Audiences will enjoy these strongly drawn, fully dimensional characters whose desires and agendas that are often at odds with one another. And the sunny and playful setting provides a nice juxtaposition to the heavy personal growth in this play. I'd love to see a production.

  • Peter Fenton: Cabana Boy

    On first glance of the plot arc, Cabana Boy is a heartbreaking, weighty story, but it never felt that way reading Williams' words. It's always interesting to consider "the product" vs "the person" when living as a public figure--I loved seeing how this play examined this internal dilemma for both Alex and Miriam. This play was genuinely funny and full of literary references from top to bottom and ended with a complex, melancholy but hopeful outcome. I'd be very excited to see a reading or production of this play... and I'd very much want to play Mitch!

    On first glance of the plot arc, Cabana Boy is a heartbreaking, weighty story, but it never felt that way reading Williams' words. It's always interesting to consider "the product" vs "the person" when living as a public figure--I loved seeing how this play examined this internal dilemma for both Alex and Miriam. This play was genuinely funny and full of literary references from top to bottom and ended with a complex, melancholy but hopeful outcome. I'd be very excited to see a reading or production of this play... and I'd very much want to play Mitch!

  • Adam Richter: Cabana Boy

    "Cabana Boy" seems like it should be longer. I don't mean that anything is missing, because it isn't, or that Philip Middleton Williams gives his characters short shrift, because he doesn't.

    I mean that after reading this beautifully written, moving coming-of-age play, I couldn't believe that it was only 60 pages long.

    He built an entire universe, gave us four sympathetic and emotionally complex characters and gave them a tight, well-paced story of love, first times and longing that is painfully beautiful.

    Brilliant work, as always. I would love to see this on stage. Bravo!

    "Cabana Boy" seems like it should be longer. I don't mean that anything is missing, because it isn't, or that Philip Middleton Williams gives his characters short shrift, because he doesn't.

    I mean that after reading this beautifully written, moving coming-of-age play, I couldn't believe that it was only 60 pages long.

    He built an entire universe, gave us four sympathetic and emotionally complex characters and gave them a tight, well-paced story of love, first times and longing that is painfully beautiful.

    Brilliant work, as always. I would love to see this on stage. Bravo!

  • David Lipschutz: Cabana Boy

    CABANA BOY is an honest, charming, and heartfelt coming of age/sexuality tale, beautifully written by Philip Middleton Williams. I can easily imagine these characters, the setting, and the story as Williams has such a strong attention to detail. Great work, and I hope to one day see it performed live!

    CABANA BOY is an honest, charming, and heartfelt coming of age/sexuality tale, beautifully written by Philip Middleton Williams. I can easily imagine these characters, the setting, and the story as Williams has such a strong attention to detail. Great work, and I hope to one day see it performed live!

  • Tom Rowan: Cabana Boy

    Another thoughtful, atmospheric piece by Mr. Williams. The characters seem close to stereotypes at first but then surprise us more than once by being more complex and better people than we expect. There's some nice, effortless humor woven into the very natural dialogue, and the play is very sexy without being obvious or vulgar. It's all done with compassion and understated charm.

    Another thoughtful, atmospheric piece by Mr. Williams. The characters seem close to stereotypes at first but then surprise us more than once by being more complex and better people than we expect. There's some nice, effortless humor woven into the very natural dialogue, and the play is very sexy without being obvious or vulgar. It's all done with compassion and understated charm.

  • Tom Moran: Cabana Boy

    Williams has constructed a tight four-hander with real heart. "Cabana Boy's" careful plotting and deft character construction combine to create a compelling story that focuses both on a deeply personal story of first love and a larger tale about the perils of fame. It's both artfully contained and expansive at the same time, and would be well-served with a production.

    Williams has constructed a tight four-hander with real heart. "Cabana Boy's" careful plotting and deft character construction combine to create a compelling story that focuses both on a deeply personal story of first love and a larger tale about the perils of fame. It's both artfully contained and expansive at the same time, and would be well-served with a production.

  • Daniel Emlyn-Jones: Cabana Boy

    The setting up of character and plot in Williams' 'Cabana Boy' is natural and effortless, and as with all great writing, the play gets under your skin without you noticing what's happening. The play is masterfully structured, and Williams deftly sidesteps every possible cliche to create something of considerable originality and with plenty of surprises. There is a gentle humanity to Williams' writing which I always relish. This play is also powerfully erotic, and I look forward to one day seeing a production where these elements can be fully realised.

    The setting up of character and plot in Williams' 'Cabana Boy' is natural and effortless, and as with all great writing, the play gets under your skin without you noticing what's happening. The play is masterfully structured, and Williams deftly sidesteps every possible cliche to create something of considerable originality and with plenty of surprises. There is a gentle humanity to Williams' writing which I always relish. This play is also powerfully erotic, and I look forward to one day seeing a production where these elements can be fully realised.

  • Morey Norkin: Cabana Boy

    A summer love story with interesting power dynamics at play. Philip Middleton Williams makes the art of playwriting seem so simple because he structures his stories so well. A joy to read and no doubt a pleasure for audiences to see.

    A summer love story with interesting power dynamics at play. Philip Middleton Williams makes the art of playwriting seem so simple because he structures his stories so well. A joy to read and no doubt a pleasure for audiences to see.

  • Sam Heyman: Cabana Boy

    Phillip Middleton Williams has done it again. Cabana Boy captures the engrossing, carried-away-with-the-current quality of first love beautifully, crafting a relatable protagonist you feel for, even as life and love deals him a challenging hand. The play uses its tight cast well, managing to build a world believably with four roles and a handful of referenced supporting players. I’d relish the chance to see this staged!

    Phillip Middleton Williams has done it again. Cabana Boy captures the engrossing, carried-away-with-the-current quality of first love beautifully, crafting a relatable protagonist you feel for, even as life and love deals him a challenging hand. The play uses its tight cast well, managing to build a world believably with four roles and a handful of referenced supporting players. I’d relish the chance to see this staged!