Recommendations of How About Them Dodgers

  • Kelly McBurnette-Andronicos: How About Them Dodgers

    I saw a staged reading of this play at the Midwest Dramatists Conference. While Florida is in the lead in the race to the bottom with its regressive restrictions, let us all take warning for what may come our way. Middleton Williams takes a satirical skewer to book banning, drag shows, and guns. Such a satisfying treat served with cold dead stare (we’re looking at you governor). So funny. So damning. So necessary. A political middle finger to the current administration. Loved it!

    I saw a staged reading of this play at the Midwest Dramatists Conference. While Florida is in the lead in the race to the bottom with its regressive restrictions, let us all take warning for what may come our way. Middleton Williams takes a satirical skewer to book banning, drag shows, and guns. Such a satisfying treat served with cold dead stare (we’re looking at you governor). So funny. So damning. So necessary. A political middle finger to the current administration. Loved it!

  • Sam Heyman: How About Them Dodgers

    A potent satire, taking aim at issues very personal to the playwright and many Americans, particularly those in Florida — How About Them Dodgers highlights how bleak things have gotten for anyone hoping to do more than just retire in the Retirement State. I applaud Philip Middleton Williams for bringing this play to life. A simmering rage lies beneath our civility, and Williams nails it.

    A potent satire, taking aim at issues very personal to the playwright and many Americans, particularly those in Florida — How About Them Dodgers highlights how bleak things have gotten for anyone hoping to do more than just retire in the Retirement State. I applaud Philip Middleton Williams for bringing this play to life. A simmering rage lies beneath our civility, and Williams nails it.

  • Adam Richter: How About Them Dodgers

    These days there's a fine line between satire and forecasting. Philip Middleton Williams has given us a deft, funny satire of life in Florida where enjoyment of anything remotely artistic is an underground act. Want to see what life under big-government authoritarian wackos would look like if the MAGA crowd gets its way? Produce "How About Them Dodgers."

    These days there's a fine line between satire and forecasting. Philip Middleton Williams has given us a deft, funny satire of life in Florida where enjoyment of anything remotely artistic is an underground act. Want to see what life under big-government authoritarian wackos would look like if the MAGA crowd gets its way? Produce "How About Them Dodgers."

  • Scott Sickles: How About Them Dodgers

    Who better than a Floridian to imagine such a world?

    Williams has fashioned a quick and nifty tale of park bench intrigue where expression has become a kind of currency. The characters are fun, the reveals delight and amuse, and yet there's an inherent sense of danger looms throughout this lighthearted transaction. Great fun!

    Who better than a Floridian to imagine such a world?

    Williams has fashioned a quick and nifty tale of park bench intrigue where expression has become a kind of currency. The characters are fun, the reveals delight and amuse, and yet there's an inherent sense of danger looms throughout this lighthearted transaction. Great fun!

  • Tom Erb: How About Them Dodgers

    “How About Them Dodgers” is a witty and suspenseful play set on a park bench in suburban Miami. The tone oscillates between casual banter and underlying intrigue. Mickey and Marie's dialogue is filled with tension as they exchange mysterious packages. The theme of illicit business and furtive exchanges keeps the audience engaged. Philip Middleton Williams skillfully balances humor and suspense, making this play an intriguing slice of life with unexpected twists.

    “How About Them Dodgers” is a witty and suspenseful play set on a park bench in suburban Miami. The tone oscillates between casual banter and underlying intrigue. Mickey and Marie's dialogue is filled with tension as they exchange mysterious packages. The theme of illicit business and furtive exchanges keeps the audience engaged. Philip Middleton Williams skillfully balances humor and suspense, making this play an intriguing slice of life with unexpected twists.

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: How About Them Dodgers

    So, when I saw the title was 'oh no, a sports play. I know NOTHING about sports' but then...I was amply rewarded (and then some) with an amazing commentry on a society that has allowed the banning of certain books, plays and other entertianment to run rampant. Its a very poignant story given how things are at the moment and is a play that is sure to inspire debate and make people sit up and listen to how dangerous 'banning' can be. As is often the case, Philip Middleton Williams has provided a piece of stage power!

    So, when I saw the title was 'oh no, a sports play. I know NOTHING about sports' but then...I was amply rewarded (and then some) with an amazing commentry on a society that has allowed the banning of certain books, plays and other entertianment to run rampant. Its a very poignant story given how things are at the moment and is a play that is sure to inspire debate and make people sit up and listen to how dangerous 'banning' can be. As is often the case, Philip Middleton Williams has provided a piece of stage power!

  • rick smith: How About Them Dodgers

    A quick and biting social satire on the state of Flori-duh and nationally as the book banning has begun, Wasn't expecting this nor the twists and turns in this ten minute play. I passed it along to my daughter who is a school counselor in St Pete, She copied it and took it to school to share with her co-workers.

    A quick and biting social satire on the state of Flori-duh and nationally as the book banning has begun, Wasn't expecting this nor the twists and turns in this ten minute play. I passed it along to my daughter who is a school counselor in St Pete, She copied it and took it to school to share with her co-workers.

  • Sean Gref: How About Them Dodgers

    The way this story winds itself through subtle - and not so subtle - jabs at society is constantly unexpected and hilarious! Philip Middleton Williams shows us this shady deal which ends up being the last thing you'd expect. A satire, yet a realistic portrayal of the near future (depending on certain events). Left me on the edge of my seat at every turn!

    The way this story winds itself through subtle - and not so subtle - jabs at society is constantly unexpected and hilarious! Philip Middleton Williams shows us this shady deal which ends up being the last thing you'd expect. A satire, yet a realistic portrayal of the near future (depending on certain events). Left me on the edge of my seat at every turn!

  • Steven G. Martin: How About Them Dodgers

    Williams layers twist upon twist upon twist in this satire, with a nice biting line to tie everything together. This is short play is good commentary on the state of the State of Florida.

    Williams layers twist upon twist upon twist in this satire, with a nice biting line to tie everything together. This is short play is good commentary on the state of the State of Florida.

  • Brenton Kniess: How About Them Dodgers

    Philip Middleton Williams crafts a clever farce that holds an unsuspecting amount of weight once you’re in on what’s happening. Great dialogue that is expertly layered allowing for a play that will stay with you.

    Philip Middleton Williams crafts a clever farce that holds an unsuspecting amount of weight once you’re in on what’s happening. Great dialogue that is expertly layered allowing for a play that will stay with you.