Recommendations of A COSPLAY MONOLOGUE


    In this powerful monologue, cosplayer Valerie issues a clarion call that goes well beyond the imagined convention attendees. It is a call to all girls and women to stand together and fight back. And to all boys and men to grow up. I imagine the call and response between Valerie and the audience would be an overwhelming moment. Terrific!

    In this powerful monologue, cosplayer Valerie issues a clarion call that goes well beyond the imagined convention attendees. It is a call to all girls and women to stand together and fight back. And to all boys and men to grow up. I imagine the call and response between Valerie and the audience would be an overwhelming moment. Terrific!


    As a cosplayer who is vigilant about consent at conventions, this monologue hits home on so many important points and issues while also being a fantastic opportunity for an actor AND for a costume designer. Really great, powerful stuff.

    As a cosplayer who is vigilant about consent at conventions, this monologue hits home on so many important points and issues while also being a fantastic opportunity for an actor AND for a costume designer. Really great, powerful stuff.


    A magnificent statement about female objectification and consent with a lack of action to protect women. Well done.

    A magnificent statement about female objectification and consent with a lack of action to protect women. Well done.


    I did not get the chance to see this at the MDWDC but I am so excited I got a chance to a read it. As a cosplayer, this piece hits home. With a conversation about consent, a right to one's body and our political climate, this monologue gives the voice to a group of women who can often times be silent.

    I did not get the chance to see this at the MDWDC but I am so excited I got a chance to a read it. As a cosplayer, this piece hits home. With a conversation about consent, a right to one's body and our political climate, this monologue gives the voice to a group of women who can often times be silent.


    Sexualization is a big problem in the world of cosplay and comics. Who is to say that these women cant own it though? Why should they cover up because of the male eye? This monologue paints it perfectly. A super hero she really is. Pepper spray and all. I want to see this performed so bad!

    Sexualization is a big problem in the world of cosplay and comics. Who is to say that these women cant own it though? Why should they cover up because of the male eye? This monologue paints it perfectly. A super hero she really is. Pepper spray and all. I want to see this performed so bad!

  • Bethany Dickens Assaf: VALERIE: A COSPLAY MONOLOGUE

    Visceral and unflinching, this monologue is capable of reaching insane heights of drama and passion. Wyndham has clearly researched every bit of the world of cosplay and its all on display here: lovers of anime and superheroes will be further drawn in, while the rest of us will feel the emotional bombardment of this culture, either of which plays a role in elevating the narrative. It's a physical experience and one that the audience will be talking about long after the blackout.

    Visceral and unflinching, this monologue is capable of reaching insane heights of drama and passion. Wyndham has clearly researched every bit of the world of cosplay and its all on display here: lovers of anime and superheroes will be further drawn in, while the rest of us will feel the emotional bombardment of this culture, either of which plays a role in elevating the narrative. It's a physical experience and one that the audience will be talking about long after the blackout.

  • Richard Lyons Conlon: VALERIE: A COSPLAY MONOLOGUE

    The intensity of this piece cannot be overstated. From the moment Valerie starts talking, there’s no looking away — no matter how uncomfortable it gets. Without giving too much away, 18-year-old Valerie delivers a pre-event talk to a group of cosplayers almost as a general addressing her troops. The main message is safety and establishing boundaries. As she relates how the sheer joy of dressing up (and living life) must be defended or destroyed, the talk becomes alarmingly real. In Wyndham’s deft hands, Valerie’s voice rings tragically true. A great — and demanding — role for a young actress.

    The intensity of this piece cannot be overstated. From the moment Valerie starts talking, there’s no looking away — no matter how uncomfortable it gets. Without giving too much away, 18-year-old Valerie delivers a pre-event talk to a group of cosplayers almost as a general addressing her troops. The main message is safety and establishing boundaries. As she relates how the sheer joy of dressing up (and living life) must be defended or destroyed, the talk becomes alarmingly real. In Wyndham’s deft hands, Valerie’s voice rings tragically true. A great — and demanding — role for a young actress.


    I was fortunate enough to see this monologue performed at the Midwest Dramatists Conference. It was absolutely haunting (expertly performed by Alice Pollack). Someone else called it a visceral experience, and they are one-hundred percent correct. Highly recommended!

    I was fortunate enough to see this monologue performed at the Midwest Dramatists Conference. It was absolutely haunting (expertly performed by Alice Pollack). Someone else called it a visceral experience, and they are one-hundred percent correct. Highly recommended!


    Wyndham takes us on an emotional journey as he reveals what costumes can't mask. Valerie finds she is the superhero in her own life, and doesn't need to role-play to find her power.

    Wyndham takes us on an emotional journey as he reveals what costumes can't mask. Valerie finds she is the superhero in her own life, and doesn't need to role-play to find her power.


    I had the chance to see this performed at the 2019 Midwest Dramatists Conference, and wow. It was a visceral experience, and the actress clearly had a lot to work with. Great work all around - check it out!

    I had the chance to see this performed at the 2019 Midwest Dramatists Conference, and wow. It was a visceral experience, and the actress clearly had a lot to work with. Great work all around - check it out!