Recommendations of A COSPLAY MONOLOGUE


    This is an all-out 10-minute assault for a female actor; a real workout. Says what it needs to, and says it loud and in your face. Especially now as the voices of the women who have been disrespected, from scuzzy comments to physical abuse, are now making themselves more front-and-center, this is a good choice to include in a repertoire or production. Well done.

    This is an all-out 10-minute assault for a female actor; a real workout. Says what it needs to, and says it loud and in your face. Especially now as the voices of the women who have been disrespected, from scuzzy comments to physical abuse, are now making themselves more front-and-center, this is a good choice to include in a repertoire or production. Well done.


    She's bold. She's brash. And she's had enough of your crap. Valerie is ready to lay the smack down on the stare-too-longs, touchy-feelies, and creepy lurkers on a Con-floor near you. Best beware: she's sounding the trumpet call... ready to arm her kindred Sisters, gearing up for what will be an epic crusade. Wyndham equips his heroine with wild fervor, sporting a sharply comic edge. Loved it! Step aside, please, Wonder Woman. Mothers of Mace, assemble!!!

    She's bold. She's brash. And she's had enough of your crap. Valerie is ready to lay the smack down on the stare-too-longs, touchy-feelies, and creepy lurkers on a Con-floor near you. Best beware: she's sounding the trumpet call... ready to arm her kindred Sisters, gearing up for what will be an epic crusade. Wyndham equips his heroine with wild fervor, sporting a sharply comic edge. Loved it! Step aside, please, Wonder Woman. Mothers of Mace, assemble!!!


    Lying just underneath the pop culture references and the literally ass-kicking actions of our heroine Valerie - and there are many examples of both! - is the harshness, stupidity and cruelty that she has faced. As a true heroine, however, she doesn't back down and instead is ready to fight for herself and, as she offers guidance to an unseen character, others. "Valerie: A Cosplay Monologue" offers a rich character for actors, one filled with an adventurous spirit, rage, fierce self-esteem, joy, and wisdom learned at far too young an age.

    Lying just underneath the pop culture references and the literally ass-kicking actions of our heroine Valerie - and there are many examples of both! - is the harshness, stupidity and cruelty that she has faced. As a true heroine, however, she doesn't back down and instead is ready to fight for herself and, as she offers guidance to an unseen character, others. "Valerie: A Cosplay Monologue" offers a rich character for actors, one filled with an adventurous spirit, rage, fierce self-esteem, joy, and wisdom learned at far too young an age.


    This is a poignant work that needs to be produced as soon as possible. Quick, clever, powerful, funny! Wyndham manages to touch a raw nerve exposed in society while making you feel comfortable with an uncomfortable subject. This is not easy to accomplish, to be able to carry the message without sacrificing entertainment the way he did. It's bold and it hurts, and you have such love for the character that speaks in it. Bravo.

    This is a poignant work that needs to be produced as soon as possible. Quick, clever, powerful, funny! Wyndham manages to touch a raw nerve exposed in society while making you feel comfortable with an uncomfortable subject. This is not easy to accomplish, to be able to carry the message without sacrificing entertainment the way he did. It's bold and it hurts, and you have such love for the character that speaks in it. Bravo.


    Wow! I didn't know what to expect from reading this, but I really really enjoyed it. I'm not usually a fan of breaking from the traditional "rules of formatting" but the change in font to a more traditional style comic book and the break towards the end and the stair-stepping words really just worked for me. I'm really surprised that this hasn't been done yet too. This is a very powerful piece.

    Wow! I didn't know what to expect from reading this, but I really really enjoyed it. I'm not usually a fan of breaking from the traditional "rules of formatting" but the change in font to a more traditional style comic book and the break towards the end and the stair-stepping words really just worked for me. I'm really surprised that this hasn't been done yet too. This is a very powerful piece.


    There is gutsiness here, sadness and feminism. Here's a woman who is primed for attacks - verbal and physical - because she is a female who participates in cosplay. Vulnerable and steely, Valerie is a role of many layers offering an actress a delicious role with many notes.

    There is gutsiness here, sadness and feminism. Here's a woman who is primed for attacks - verbal and physical - because she is a female who participates in cosplay. Vulnerable and steely, Valerie is a role of many layers offering an actress a delicious role with many notes.


    I'm surprised this play is unproduced at the time of this recommendation! It's so much fun and extremely poignant. A lot of fun for a female performer and perfect for anyone who enjoys pop culture. Someone, produce this play!

    I'm surprised this play is unproduced at the time of this recommendation! It's so much fun and extremely poignant. A lot of fun for a female performer and perfect for anyone who enjoys pop culture. Someone, produce this play!