Recommendations of 19 Excellent Reasons to Date Matthew Weaver (a monologue)

  • Elizabeth Decasse: 19 Excellent Reasons to Date Matthew Weaver (a monologue)

    I was able to both read this monologue, and then see it performed as part of An Evening of Zoom Shorts. Weaver has a way of touching that "nice guy" danger zone while not succumbing to the resentment and instead finding hope, connection, and beauty in his journey. He presents himself with humor, humility, honesty, and hope. And most importantly, he presents to us all with love. This is officially saved in my monologues to come back to and, if an opportunity presents itself, to perform!

    I was able to both read this monologue, and then see it performed as part of An Evening of Zoom Shorts. Weaver has a way of touching that "nice guy" danger zone while not succumbing to the resentment and instead finding hope, connection, and beauty in his journey. He presents himself with humor, humility, honesty, and hope. And most importantly, he presents to us all with love. This is officially saved in my monologues to come back to and, if an opportunity presents itself, to perform!

  • Kara Emily Krantz: 19 Excellent Reasons to Date Matthew Weaver (a monologue)

    MATTHEW WEAVER. I have tears in my eyes. This was absolutely moving, and as I read it kept striking my heart in new, wonderful ways at each step. What an exemplary example of using our words as power, as manifestation, as love- for ourselves, for others, for the world.

    And funny! Matthew Weaver is a funny, wonderful, gallant, delightful man!

    MATTHEW WEAVER. I have tears in my eyes. This was absolutely moving, and as I read it kept striking my heart in new, wonderful ways at each step. What an exemplary example of using our words as power, as manifestation, as love- for ourselves, for others, for the world.

    And funny! Matthew Weaver is a funny, wonderful, gallant, delightful man!

  • Cheryl Bear: 19 Excellent Reasons to Date Matthew Weaver (a monologue)

    An absolutely beautiful monologue that is so completely sweet as he searches for what we all do, love. Wonderful!

    An absolutely beautiful monologue that is so completely sweet as he searches for what we all do, love. Wonderful!

  • Lee R. Lawing: 19 Excellent Reasons to Date Matthew Weaver (a monologue)

    What a beautiful monologue filled with such passion and heart. Like any Weaver writing, it has the hallmark humor that endears the reader and viewer instantly, but here we get to know more of the writer that has inspired my work, so having this list only points me those touchstones that have inspired me from word one!

    What a beautiful monologue filled with such passion and heart. Like any Weaver writing, it has the hallmark humor that endears the reader and viewer instantly, but here we get to know more of the writer that has inspired my work, so having this list only points me those touchstones that have inspired me from word one!

  • Scott Sickles: 19 Excellent Reasons to Date Matthew Weaver (a monologue)

    The best reason to date Matthew Weaver: he's Matthew F-ing Weaver, people!!! But if one needs further convincing, 1) shame on you, and 2) here are the top 19 reasons presented self-effacingly, sincerely, and ever-endearingly by the playwright’s doppelgänger. Perhaps you will learn a few things you may or may not have known in your heart already: about Matthew Weaver and... about yourself!

    The best reason to date Matthew Weaver: he's Matthew F-ing Weaver, people!!! But if one needs further convincing, 1) shame on you, and 2) here are the top 19 reasons presented self-effacingly, sincerely, and ever-endearingly by the playwright’s doppelgänger. Perhaps you will learn a few things you may or may not have known in your heart already: about Matthew Weaver and... about yourself!

  • Jackie Martin: 19 Excellent Reasons to Date Matthew Weaver (a monologue)

    1. I really love this monologue. 2. I want to see this monologue performed. 3. I want to perform this monologue myself. It's daring and sweet. It's funny, poignant, and honest. It is so *human* and that makes it so beautiful.

    1. I really love this monologue. 2. I want to see this monologue performed. 3. I want to perform this monologue myself. It's daring and sweet. It's funny, poignant, and honest. It is so *human* and that makes it so beautiful.

  • Doug DeVita: 19 Excellent Reasons to Date Matthew Weaver (a monologue)

    In 19 exquisitely written bullet points, Matthew Weaver elucidates 19 reasons why he’s a catch. He had me at #7 — although reasons 1 — 6 and 8 — 19 are pretty convincing, too. Somebody produce this soon, and get this charmer a slew of dates from which to choose a lucky someone.

    In 19 exquisitely written bullet points, Matthew Weaver elucidates 19 reasons why he’s a catch. He had me at #7 — although reasons 1 — 6 and 8 — 19 are pretty convincing, too. Somebody produce this soon, and get this charmer a slew of dates from which to choose a lucky someone.

  • Philip Middleton Williams: 19 Excellent Reasons to Date Matthew Weaver (a monologue)

    There are very few people I can think of who could write such a funny, heartfelt, honest, whimsical, painfully truthful, inspiring, and just plain good monologue as Matthew Weaver does in "19 Excellent Reasons to Date Matthew Weaver."

    And now I want to date him.

    There are very few people I can think of who could write such a funny, heartfelt, honest, whimsical, painfully truthful, inspiring, and just plain good monologue as Matthew Weaver does in "19 Excellent Reasons to Date Matthew Weaver."

    And now I want to date him.

  • Asher Wyndham: 19 Excellent Reasons to Date Matthew Weaver (a monologue)

    This is Weaver at his most personal and most creative in monologue form.
    After reading this you might want to stop, reflect, figure yourself out when it comes to your desire for connection with a special someone. That's if you're not dating.
    It's geeky, sexy, heartfelt writing.
    Most monologues don't have the emotional depth as this monologue.

    This is Weaver at his most personal and most creative in monologue form.
    After reading this you might want to stop, reflect, figure yourself out when it comes to your desire for connection with a special someone. That's if you're not dating.
    It's geeky, sexy, heartfelt writing.
    Most monologues don't have the emotional depth as this monologue.