Artistic Statement

I mostly write comedies, even when the subject matter is serious.

With over a dozen productions throughout the United States and Europe, my most widely produced play is Peaches en Regalia, a one act that I eventually expanded into a full-length comedy. In Peaches en Regalia (named after a song that the actors dance to in the opening) four monologues slowly weave together into a tight little plot with a big twist.

Steve Lyons

Artistic Statement

I mostly write comedies, even when the subject matter is serious.

With over a dozen productions throughout the United States and Europe, my most widely produced play is Peaches en Regalia, a one act that I eventually expanded into a full-length comedy. In Peaches en Regalia (named after a song that the actors dance to in the opening) four monologues slowly weave together into a tight little plot with a big twist.