Artistic Statement
Playwriting empowers me. It enables me to create worlds in which I call all the shots and have the final word. My characters are my confidantes with whom I can share my fears of being rejected and of not measuring up. They in turn put me on stage, butt naked, for public scrutiny. If an audience is able to empathize with my flawed characters, maybe they will be able to empathize with flawed me.
Jeffry Chastang
Artistic Statement
Playwriting empowers me. It enables me to create worlds in which I call all the shots and have the final word. My characters are my confidantes with whom I can share my fears of being rejected and of not measuring up. They in turn put me on stage, butt naked, for public scrutiny. If an audience is able to empathize with my flawed characters, maybe they will be able to empathize with flawed me.