Artistic Statement

I write because I believe in writing as a cultural tool. I prefer nondidcatic writing. Most of my plays are snapshots from my daily experience—observations and the ideas they spark, offered without arrogantly proposing an explanation or answer. My plays are simply what I see, and should an audience member call them absurd, that was not my plan when I was writing it.

Growing up during the war in Iran, going to college in Moscow right after perestroika, emigrating to the United States as an adult, falling in love with Judaism and eventually adopting Judaism were all life-changing experiences. These varied experiences shaped me and my writing, and opened my eyes to aspects of life like how each individual is the product of his or her society and how much courage it takes to break out of the box that society creates for individuals.

In my plays, as well as in my essays, I explore subjects such as anti-Semitism, the question of terrorism, xenophobia, and other absurd realities that we experience in our daily lives.

As a writer, I find playwriting a very effective tool for communicating with a wide group of people. My hope is that my plays will touch even those who attend the theater primarily for the entertainment aspect and to send them home with some questions to ponder.

Katrin Arefy

Artistic Statement

I write because I believe in writing as a cultural tool. I prefer nondidcatic writing. Most of my plays are snapshots from my daily experience—observations and the ideas they spark, offered without arrogantly proposing an explanation or answer. My plays are simply what I see, and should an audience member call them absurd, that was not my plan when I was writing it.

Growing up during the war in Iran, going to college in Moscow right after perestroika, emigrating to the United States as an adult, falling in love with Judaism and eventually adopting Judaism were all life-changing experiences. These varied experiences shaped me and my writing, and opened my eyes to aspects of life like how each individual is the product of his or her society and how much courage it takes to break out of the box that society creates for individuals.

In my plays, as well as in my essays, I explore subjects such as anti-Semitism, the question of terrorism, xenophobia, and other absurd realities that we experience in our daily lives.

As a writer, I find playwriting a very effective tool for communicating with a wide group of people. My hope is that my plays will touch even those who attend the theater primarily for the entertainment aspect and to send them home with some questions to ponder.