Artistic Statement

My plays were once described by the brilliant, Todd London, as exploring "the terrors of intimacy." I think that is still true. I approach that glorious terror with, I hope, humor, heart, and widely open eyes and ears. I love to write about what scares me the most and what makes me laugh the most: which is often the same thing. These days that includes what it's like to get older, especially if you're a woman.

Jacquelyn Reingold

Artistic Statement

My plays were once described by the brilliant, Todd London, as exploring "the terrors of intimacy." I think that is still true. I approach that glorious terror with, I hope, humor, heart, and widely open eyes and ears. I love to write about what scares me the most and what makes me laugh the most: which is often the same thing. These days that includes what it's like to get older, especially if you're a woman.