Whatever life is...a video game, an experiment, a dream, a brief flash of insanity, at least we're in the hands of cats. I am kinda glad for that. Cats are loving (yes, they are, they can just choose to not love you), appropriately mischievous, full of impulsive antics. Hell, could be much worse. Come for the kittehs, stay for the Norse mythology, rejoice for all shall probably be well maybe. A lovely and most humorous short play.
Whatever life is...a video game, an experiment, a dream, a brief flash of insanity, at least we're in the hands of cats. I am kinda glad for that. Cats are loving (yes, they are, they can just choose to not love you), appropriately mischievous, full of impulsive antics. Hell, could be much worse. Come for the kittehs, stay for the Norse mythology, rejoice for all shall probably be well maybe. A lovely and most humorous short play.