Recommended by Emma Goldman-Sherman

    31 Jan. 2018
    I really love how human this character is, and how theatrical she might be on stage - not to make light of any of what she is dealing with - but because she is struggling enormously, and I find the level of difficulty, the struggle itself, is brilliant. It is something we can all relate to, whoever we are. This is the whole purpose of theatre, and I am thrilled with what Wyndham is doing!
  • Mirrors
    26 Jan. 2018
    Moving, timely and beautiful work. I love the mother-daughter relationship and how the metaphors work to make the unbearable almost bearable.
  • Pussygrabber
    26 Jan. 2018
    29th Street Playwrights Collective produced the workshop of this at The Un-Auguration in 2017 and it felt timely and urgent then, and it's even more timely and urgent now. I hope Femia gets the chance to have it fully produced - a very moving piece of theatre!
  • Medea With Child
    26 Jan. 2018
    Thoroughly enjoyed this fun take on the tragedy, updated and wonderfully real! Reminds me very much of my own home as a child. . . Every day it is more relevant and timely, and yet timeless. I adore the characters and the language itself. And Murmurous reading the newspaper with all the tales of matricide, macabre and masterful. Would be fantastic to stage!
    23 Jan. 2018
    I am kvelling - how I wish I wrote this play! What a glorious piece of work! The structure is magnificent! The light over darkness! The characters, the doubling, the transitions, the set, the food, the language, the silences, the story, the every inch of this play, how Maisel brings us right up to this very moment and hands us this beautiful play - thank you for this play - may it be seen and heard and loved by many!
  • OPEN
    23 Jan. 2018
    I believe in the theatre as the seeing place, from the Ancient Greeks marching forward in time straight up to this play which takes our human capacity for belief and stretches it into real (Platonic) experience - the magic in this play - it doesn't get any more real than this! Kudos to Skillman for providing us all with the ability to see together: the magic of the theatre.
  • Terminal Lucidity: A Dada-Inspired Feminist Scream
    21 Jan. 2018
    I love the Baroness and her Dada-Inspired Screaming! This is not easy material, but it sure is recognizable, and those moments of recognition go off in the audience like paparazzi flashbulbs throughout the script. I saw a reading of this at New Circle Theatre Co directed by Melanie Armer and wanted to scream along - go Amy!
  • March 9, 1965
    11 Jan. 2018
    Thoroughly enjoyable play start to finish with wonderfully drawn characters. Inevitable without being predictable. A story that needs telling, Stanley Hathaway handles it well.
    6 Jan. 2018
    A marvelous piece, like a clown show, only with more meaning! I love the premise of the old Irish Jewish man in the hospital and the Indian nurse to get us to consider the history of colonialism as they stand before us. And there is a very human story happening alongside the political one that makes it all the more moving!
    4 Jan. 2018
    Wonderful play that will inspire many late night discussions! Keeps us guessing! I love the tiny details, how Grant teaches Abby and then Abby teaches James, and the surprises with characters showing up where they are not expected. Satisfying and most worthy of production!
