Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: The PlayMakers

    What a giddy and engaging celebration of the vagaries of romance and of the creative process. The charming revelation at the end made me smile and go "Awwwwww." And the banking scenes are comic gold. This play would be a real treat to perform as well as to see performed.

    What a giddy and engaging celebration of the vagaries of romance and of the creative process. The charming revelation at the end made me smile and go "Awwwwww." And the banking scenes are comic gold. This play would be a real treat to perform as well as to see performed.

  • Paul Donnelly: I Invited Your Mother for Thanksgiving

    This is a moving story of caring and reconciliation. Dale cares enough to take the risk and Warren ultimately accepts the possibility of reconciliation with his mother. Their communication is tender even when they are in conflict which makes the narrative especially appealing.

    This is a moving story of caring and reconciliation. Dale cares enough to take the risk and Warren ultimately accepts the possibility of reconciliation with his mother. Their communication is tender even when they are in conflict which makes the narrative especially appealing.

  • Paul Donnelly: Getting Better

    Dr. Jennings' journey to a reluctant faith is presented with real complexity in this absorbing narrative. The issues of who gets to heal and how does healing occur are explored with real sensitivity. The conflict between rational and mystical perspectives provokes real engagement. Although this play comes down on the side of miracles, Alice remains a compelling mystery through her last line.

    Dr. Jennings' journey to a reluctant faith is presented with real complexity in this absorbing narrative. The issues of who gets to heal and how does healing occur are explored with real sensitivity. The conflict between rational and mystical perspectives provokes real engagement. Although this play comes down on the side of miracles, Alice remains a compelling mystery through her last line.

  • Paul Donnelly: I Don't DO Holidays

    It's hard to stand up to societal pressure when you hate the holidays. All of them. But what a relief to get the truth out as Veruth does in this hysterically funny look at rejecting holiday "cheer." Even the dark ending evokes laughter. The dialogue is artfully constructed and the theme more universal than many would admit.

    It's hard to stand up to societal pressure when you hate the holidays. All of them. But what a relief to get the truth out as Veruth does in this hysterically funny look at rejecting holiday "cheer." Even the dark ending evokes laughter. The dialogue is artfully constructed and the theme more universal than many would admit.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Mantegna Effect

    A clever take on the afterlife and the impact that one soul in Limbo can have on the reality left behind. Tommy's responses to each new thing he learns are very funny and relatable. The twist at the end made me laugh out loud. But don't take my word for it, read this play yourself!

    A clever take on the afterlife and the impact that one soul in Limbo can have on the reality left behind. Tommy's responses to each new thing he learns are very funny and relatable. The twist at the end made me laugh out loud. But don't take my word for it, read this play yourself!

  • Paul Donnelly: Spices, Pinball, and Guacamole

    The poisonous effects of money and assumptions and family roles (once the older sister, always the older sister) are thoughtfully and thoroughly explored in this witty and occasionally tense two hander. That these two sisters come out the other side with their bond intact is a most heartening conclusion.

    The poisonous effects of money and assumptions and family roles (once the older sister, always the older sister) are thoughtfully and thoroughly explored in this witty and occasionally tense two hander. That these two sisters come out the other side with their bond intact is a most heartening conclusion.

  • Paul Donnelly: Live, Laugh, Lobotomize

    World building is such a difficult art, but Floyd-Priskorn manages it brilliantly. The world she creates is specific and layered and very, very funny. The outsider thrown into this world is movingly transformed by her experience there. But we are all better off for having visited Flurk's shop in The Darkness.

    World building is such a difficult art, but Floyd-Priskorn manages it brilliantly. The world she creates is specific and layered and very, very funny. The outsider thrown into this world is movingly transformed by her experience there. But we are all better off for having visited Flurk's shop in The Darkness.

  • Paul Donnelly: North

    North is a poignant portrait of a man who stubbornly clings to his values long after they are constructive in his life. Leo's independence and self-reliance ultimately extract a terrible cost as his mental faculties fade. Like the tragic hero he is, Leo is the agent of his own demise. Leo, Susan, and Michael are vivid and compellingly drawn characters who will stay with me for a long time to come.

    North is a poignant portrait of a man who stubbornly clings to his values long after they are constructive in his life. Leo's independence and self-reliance ultimately extract a terrible cost as his mental faculties fade. Like the tragic hero he is, Leo is the agent of his own demise. Leo, Susan, and Michael are vivid and compellingly drawn characters who will stay with me for a long time to come.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Penance - 10 Minute Play

    This is a masterful exercise in misdirection leading to a shocking twist ending. My heart was in my throat throughout Anne's troubled and troubling confession. The danger she is in is real and saying anymore would ruin the surprise that you should definitely experience for yourself.

    This is a masterful exercise in misdirection leading to a shocking twist ending. My heart was in my throat throughout Anne's troubled and troubling confession. The danger she is in is real and saying anymore would ruin the surprise that you should definitely experience for yourself.

  • Paul Donnelly: Seance

    A fun set-up, engaging characters, and witty dialogue make this play a real treat. James's late father's reaction to the vehicle for his brief return to the living is utterly priceless. That James is able to accomplish his goals for making contact with his father offers a touching conclusion.

    A fun set-up, engaging characters, and witty dialogue make this play a real treat. James's late father's reaction to the vehicle for his brief return to the living is utterly priceless. That James is able to accomplish his goals for making contact with his father offers a touching conclusion.