Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: Eggs in the Morning

    When breakfast in bed is a violation of a sacred compact, does the compact need to be re-evaluated? Sam starts out a yes, Lisa starts out a hard no. Their thoroughly engaging negotiations are the heart of this clever romantic romp.

    When breakfast in bed is a violation of a sacred compact, does the compact need to be re-evaluated? Sam starts out a yes, Lisa starts out a hard no. Their thoroughly engaging negotiations are the heart of this clever romantic romp.

  • Paul Donnelly: Gifting Jon

    What a stunning and unique exploration of the tenacity of grief and guilt after the suicide of a loved one. One can only hope that Samantha's gesture shakes up her parents enough to move the family toward healing their rift, even if there is no healing their grief.

    What a stunning and unique exploration of the tenacity of grief and guilt after the suicide of a loved one. One can only hope that Samantha's gesture shakes up her parents enough to move the family toward healing their rift, even if there is no healing their grief.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Puzzle

    It's the effort that matters, not the result, right? D & F, good-hearted, but ineffectual, bump up against the more pragmatic B. The outcome of that encounter is the center of this good-hearted and highly engaging play. I, for one, would take any help I could get with the NYT's Spelling Bee.

    It's the effort that matters, not the result, right? D & F, good-hearted, but ineffectual, bump up against the more pragmatic B. The outcome of that encounter is the center of this good-hearted and highly engaging play. I, for one, would take any help I could get with the NYT's Spelling Bee.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Record Don't Stop Spinnin' for Robby Ray Robinson

    Well that was absolutely bizarre, but compellingly imagined and hysterically executed. Robbie Ray and Loodie start out seeming like a typical couple from a honky-tonk, love gone wrong melody, but turn out to be something else entirely. Something else. Entirely. Their overwhelming mutual attraction makes them irresistible to one another and the lunatic energy of this play makes them irresistible to us.

    Well that was absolutely bizarre, but compellingly imagined and hysterically executed. Robbie Ray and Loodie start out seeming like a typical couple from a honky-tonk, love gone wrong melody, but turn out to be something else entirely. Something else. Entirely. Their overwhelming mutual attraction makes them irresistible to one another and the lunatic energy of this play makes them irresistible to us.

  • Paul Donnelly: Luck of the Draw

    Can a couple of strangers forced into an arranged marriage find love with one another? Luck of the Draw explores this question with warmth and humor and a little spikiness around the edges. Both members of this couple are so engaging and clearly drawn that I can't help but wish them well despite the arbitrariness of their pairing.

    Can a couple of strangers forced into an arranged marriage find love with one another? Luck of the Draw explores this question with warmth and humor and a little spikiness around the edges. Both members of this couple are so engaging and clearly drawn that I can't help but wish them well despite the arbitrariness of their pairing.

  • Paul Donnelly: Chem Class

    Who knew being turned down for the Prom could be life-altering in a good way? This charming tribute to real friendship is as engaging as it is ultimately uplifting.

    Who knew being turned down for the Prom could be life-altering in a good way? This charming tribute to real friendship is as engaging as it is ultimately uplifting.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Grape Nerds Reunion (10 Minute Play)

    What a lovely celebration of a vital, if fleeting, moment of connection. Together at their 10 year high school reunion, Mike and Alyssa would seem to have little in common except for a bit of shared history that he can't remember. But she expresses her thanks for the moment he inadvertently saved her life and he is able to feel some sense of connection. They each return to their lives better off for this encounter,

    What a lovely celebration of a vital, if fleeting, moment of connection. Together at their 10 year high school reunion, Mike and Alyssa would seem to have little in common except for a bit of shared history that he can't remember. But she expresses her thanks for the moment he inadvertently saved her life and he is able to feel some sense of connection. They each return to their lives better off for this encounter,

  • Paul Donnelly: The Drought

    What a splendid bit of misdirection! I was SURE this piece was headed in one direction when a clever twist took it in quite another.

    What a splendid bit of misdirection! I was SURE this piece was headed in one direction when a clever twist took it in quite another.

  • Paul Donnelly: Out, Out Damned Bird!

    This is a heartbreaking depiction of human stupidity. Or is it genuine cruelty? In either case, a woman's effort to save a struggling pigeon is undone by her heedless male companion. Surprisingly moving for so short a play.

    This is a heartbreaking depiction of human stupidity. Or is it genuine cruelty? In either case, a woman's effort to save a struggling pigeon is undone by her heedless male companion. Surprisingly moving for so short a play.

  • Paul Donnelly: Glass Houses

    Meg and Charlie are quarantined together, yet apart. Charlie's frustration focuses on the apart. Meg's contentment focuses on the together. When an outsider comes to tell them that it's safe to come out, Meg is fearful while Charlie is eager. We see what happens when one of them emerges from their bubble and we are left questioning the motives and veracity of the outsider. There is wonderful world building here, specific and resonant.

    Meg and Charlie are quarantined together, yet apart. Charlie's frustration focuses on the apart. Meg's contentment focuses on the together. When an outsider comes to tell them that it's safe to come out, Meg is fearful while Charlie is eager. We see what happens when one of them emerges from their bubble and we are left questioning the motives and veracity of the outsider. There is wonderful world building here, specific and resonant.