Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: The Macbethest Christmas Pageant Spectaculathon...Ever!

    A truly inspired mash-up of the Scottish play and the Santa story. With Santa out Scrooging Scrooge (oops! wrong play!). The laughs, both verbal and visual, just keep snowballing. This is an adult comedy that redefines holiday cheer.

    A truly inspired mash-up of the Scottish play and the Santa story. With Santa out Scrooging Scrooge (oops! wrong play!). The laughs, both verbal and visual, just keep snowballing. This is an adult comedy that redefines holiday cheer.

  • Paul Donnelly: GUILTY

    This particular chocolate cake had better be worth the calories to Sandra and the effort to Kim. This play is certainly a delicious confection for the reader or audience.

    This particular chocolate cake had better be worth the calories to Sandra and the effort to Kim. This play is certainly a delicious confection for the reader or audience.

  • Paul Donnelly: You Have Earned Bonus Stars

    In the aftermath of a horrific workplace shooting, survivors experience a complex set of responses and are revealed to have complex histories. This is a gripping play. full of surprising twists and revelations. It is also vividly theatrical. I was drained, in the good way, as the story drew to a close.

    In the aftermath of a horrific workplace shooting, survivors experience a complex set of responses and are revealed to have complex histories. This is a gripping play. full of surprising twists and revelations. It is also vividly theatrical. I was drained, in the good way, as the story drew to a close.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Rotary Phone

    So much wit and so many laughs in just eleven pages! Their confusion over the operation of a rotary phone is just one aspect of the humor found in these young people of the near future. The meeting of future and past that transpires is inspired lunacy. Through and through a comic gem.

    So much wit and so many laughs in just eleven pages! Their confusion over the operation of a rotary phone is just one aspect of the humor found in these young people of the near future. The meeting of future and past that transpires is inspired lunacy. Through and through a comic gem.

  • Paul Donnelly: Come Again

    This is a devastating satire on humanity's refusal to take climate change seriously. As with any good satire, there is plenty of humor on the way to a chilling ending. The characters are well drawn. Three of the four are engaging and sympathetic, one is an unapologetic villain. So much that is so important is said so well in this piece.

    This is a devastating satire on humanity's refusal to take climate change seriously. As with any good satire, there is plenty of humor on the way to a chilling ending. The characters are well drawn. Three of the four are engaging and sympathetic, one is an unapologetic villain. So much that is so important is said so well in this piece.

  • Paul Donnelly: ALIEN FARMER'S WIFE

    Dating and mating are tough no matter your species. Poor hapless Wilbur gives it his clueless all to no avail. It seems that perhaps Peggy might have the answer to his crop-circle call. Their pas de deux is hysterically funny, particularly in Wilbur's inability to grasp metaphor.

    Dating and mating are tough no matter your species. Poor hapless Wilbur gives it his clueless all to no avail. It seems that perhaps Peggy might have the answer to his crop-circle call. Their pas de deux is hysterically funny, particularly in Wilbur's inability to grasp metaphor.

  • Paul Donnelly: A Craigslist Play

    What an intense montage of longing and regret. For all the funny moments and juxtapositions, there is a thread of melancholy running through this piece that gives it emotional heft and resonance. I would love to see it intelligently staged.

    What an intense montage of longing and regret. For all the funny moments and juxtapositions, there is a thread of melancholy running through this piece that gives it emotional heft and resonance. I would love to see it intelligently staged.

  • Paul Donnelly: This is the 74th Cover Letter I've Written this Month Please for the Love of God Hire ME

    Ah the joys of the job search! These are expertly and humorously depicted by Cole Hunter Dzubak. I truly felt for these characters while being amused by the witty depiction of their desperation.

    Ah the joys of the job search! These are expertly and humorously depicted by Cole Hunter Dzubak. I truly felt for these characters while being amused by the witty depiction of their desperation.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Astronots

    An inspired and inspiring portrait of reluctant travelers on a involuntary trip to Mars. There are numerous moments of high comedy and tender moments of real human connection. This play would be a delight to see staged.

    An inspired and inspiring portrait of reluctant travelers on a involuntary trip to Mars. There are numerous moments of high comedy and tender moments of real human connection. This play would be a delight to see staged.

  • Paul Donnelly: An Awkward Conversation in the Shadow of Mount Moriah

    How do you reconcile with the father who almost murdered ... excuse me, sacrificed you? That's the premise of this warm and surprisingly comic play. Isaac and Abraham are both men in enormous pain who work their way through to reconciliation. This is a play of enormous wisdom, tenderness, and wit.

    How do you reconcile with the father who almost murdered ... excuse me, sacrificed you? That's the premise of this warm and surprisingly comic play. Isaac and Abraham are both men in enormous pain who work their way through to reconciliation. This is a play of enormous wisdom, tenderness, and wit.